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Updated: August 21, 2024

At the corner of the Bindergasse, where Heinz Schorlin lodged, he found a beggar woman with a bandaged head, whom he commissioned to carry the roses to the Eysvogel mansion and give them to his wife, Fran Isabella Siebenburg, in his Sir Seitz's name. In front of the house occupied by the master cloth-maker Deichsler, where the Swiss had his quarters, the tailor Ploss stopped him.

At the corner of the Bindergasse, where Heinz Schorlin lodged, he found a beggar woman with a bandaged head, whom he commissioned to carry the roses to the Eysvogel mansion and give them to his wife, Fran Isabella Siebenburg, in his Sir Seitz's name. In front of the house occupied by the master cloth-maker Deichsler, where the Swiss had his quarters, the tailor Ploss stopped him.

Wallace, Alfred Russel. Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. 541 pp. Reeve & Co., London, 1853. Williams, Thomas, and Calvert, James. Fiji and the Fijians. 551 pp. Appleton. Ploss, Dr Hermann H. Das Weib. 2 vols. Th. Grieben's Verlag. Leipzig, 1885. Greiger, Ostiranische Kultur. Erlangen, 1882. Quoted from Folkways , p. 513. Robertson Smith, W. Religion of the Semites. 508 pp.

E.g., Knudtzon, no. 124. Zimmern, Busspsalmen, p. 32. The popularity of the sun-cult in Assyria in connection with omens and oracles is probably due also in part to the influence of Marduk, who was, as we have seen, a solar deity. Lehman, Samassumukin, p. 42. See Ploss, Das Weib, pp. 594-606; also above, p. 267. IVR. pl. 61. I.e., Ishtar sends the wind with a clear message. 3d month.

Various facts and references bearing on this subject are brought together by Blumenbach, Anthropological Memoirs, translated by Bendyshe, p. 80; Block, Beiträge zur Ætiologie der Psychopathia Sexualis, Teil II, pp. 276-283; also Ploss and Bartels, Das Weib, seventh edition, p. 520.

Thus the gypsies say of an unmarried woman who becomes pregnant, "She has smelt the moon-flower" a flower believed to grow on the so-called moon-mountain and to possess the property of impregnating by its smell. Ploss and Bartels, Das Weib, bd.

See the previous volume of these Studies, "Sexual Selection in Man," p. 161. See, e.g., Ploss and Bartels, Das Weib, vol. i, beginning of chapter VI. Hyrtl states that the name labia was first used by Haller in the middle of the eighteenth century in his Elements of Physiology, being adopted by him from the Greek poet Erotion, who gave these structures the very obvious name cheilea, lips.

In the Black Forest, according to Ploss and Bartels, a pregnant woman may go freely into other people's gardens and take fruit, provided she eats it on the spot, and very similar privileges are accorded to her elsewhere.

He came from Heinz Schorlin, and reminded Siebenburg of his by no means inconsiderable debt; but the latter begged him to have patience a little longer, as he had met with heavy losses at the gaming table the night before, and Ploss agreed to wait till St. How many besides the tailor had large demands! and when could Seitz begin to cancel his debts?

At the corner of the Bindergasse, where Heinz Schorlin lodged, he found a beggar woman with a bandaged head, whom he commissioned to carry the roses to the Eysvogel mansion and give them to his wife, Fran Isabella Siebenburg, in his Sir Seitz's name. In front of the house occupied by the master cloth-maker Deichsler, where the Swiss had his quarters, the tailor Ploss stopped him.

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