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"Old Capting Pink of the Peppermint, Though kindly at heart and good, Had a blunt, bluff way of a-gittin' 'is say That we all of us understood. When he brained a man with a pingle spike Or plastered a seaman flat, We should 'a' been blowed but we all of us knowed That he didn't mean nothin' by that.

The fourth voyage into Persia, made by M. Arthur Edwards Agent, Iohn Sparke, Laurence Chapman, Christopher Faucet, and Richard Pingle, in the yeere 1568. declared in this letter written from Casbin in Persia by the foresaide Laurence Chapman to a worshipfull merchant of the companie of Russia in London. Anno Domini 1569. Aprill 28.

But it was lang before I got the better o' this sair slight ay, I may say it was ten years and mair; and I had to try to pingle and find a living upon the interest o' my five hundred pounds, wi' ony other thing that I could turn my hand to in a genteel sort o' way.

"Aye, she'd be a good nuss if she warn't quite so fond o' mustard," said old Tummus. "It's allus mustard, mustard, stuck about you to pingle and sting if there's owt the matter. I like my mustard on my beef. And that's what you want, Master John some good slices o' beef. They women's never happy wi'out giving you spoon meat."

ORRA, odd, unemployed. ORRA-TIME, occasionally. OWER, over. PEEL-HOUSE, a fortified tower. PENDICLE, a small piece of ground. PINGLE, a fuss, trouble. PLENISHING, furnishings. PLOY, sport, entertainment. PRETTY MEN, stout, warlike fellows. REIFS, robberies. REIVERS, robbers. RIGGS, ridges, ploughed ground. ROKELAY, a short cloak. RUDAS, coarse, hag-like.