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The flowers and racemes are nearly as large as those of the parent-form, the fruits only a little thinner and containing a smaller quantity of seed. From these seeds I have grown a second and a third generation, and observed that the plants remain true to their type. O. oblonga may be grown either as an annual, or as a biennial.

Testa imperforata, trochiformis, carinata, striis minutis spiralibus ornata, pallide fusco-carnea, punctis nigris albo-occellatis sparsa; spira conica; anfractus 6 planati, ultimus carinatus, basi subplanatus; apertura oblique oblonga, intus brunnea, margine externo bisinuato; peristoma album, incrassatum, infra reflexum; columella basi rufescens. Diam. maj. 23, min. 19, alt. 21, mill.

They obey the same general laws, become active under similar conditions, some of them being more easily awakened than others. The germs of the oblonga, lata and nanella are especially irritable, and are ready to spring into activity at the least summons, while those of gigas, rubrinervis and scintillans are far more difficult to arouse.

Owing partly to improved methods of selection, partly no doubt to chance, even more mutants were found this year than in the former. Out of some 8,000 seedlings I counted 377 deviating ones, or nearly 5%, which is a high proportion. Most of them were oblonga and lata, the same types that had constituted the majority in the former year.

This showed that among the selected specimens not less than 176, or more than 1% belonged to the oblonga type. This type was at that time quite new to me, and it had to be kept through the winter, to obtain stems and flowers. It proved to be as uniform as its three predecessors, and especially as sharply contrasted with lamarckiana.

Leaving the robust novelties, we may now take up a couple of forms, which are equally constants and differentiated from the parent species in exactly the same manner, though by other characters, but which are so obviously weak as to have no manifest chance of self maintenance in the wild state. These are the whitish and the oblong-leaved evening-primroses or the Oenothera albida and oblonga.

The same forms that are produced most often by the parent-family are also most ordinarily met with among the offspring of the shiny evening-primrose. They are oblonga, lata and nanella.