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Longstreet, in response to the call, ordered two more batteries to join Colonel Stephen Lee; and Morell's division, penned in that deadly cockpit between Stuart's Hill and the Groveton wood, shattered by musketry in front and by artillery at short range in flank, fell back across the meadows.

She was, in old Mr. Morell's language, 'a negative saint. Mr. Penrose went further, and called her 'a Calvinistic pagan. But none of these things moved her. The grievance of her life was Matt's marriage with an alien; for Miriam was a child of the Established Church.

Ibid., "Theodicée Chretiénne," pp. 437, 444, 449. MR. MORELL'S "Historical and Critical View," II. 104, 153. PIERRE LEROUX, "De l'Humanité," I. vi. 3, 295. L. D. CROUSSE, "Des Principes, ou Philosophie Première," 2d Edition, Paris, 1846. ABBÉ MARET, "Theodicée Chretienne," p. 94. ABBÉ GOSCHLER, sur "l'Histoire du Pantheisme." ABBÉ MARET, "Essai," chap. PIERRE LEROUX, "De l'Humanité," I. 249.

This crack opened quickly to 60 ft. and would have given us trouble if the dogs had been left on the wrong side. It closed on the 25th and pressure followed in its neighbourhood. On August 24 we were two miles north of the latitude of Morell's farthest south, and over 10° of longitude, or more than 200 miles, west of his position.

It's true he was pastor here for over forty years, and our deacons are his spiritual offspring. For all that, the old man's heart is right if his head is wrong; and, after all, it's the heart that rules the life. 'Nay! no heart could thrive on a creed such as Rehoboth's. Why, God's heart would grow Jean on it. 'But Mr. Morell's heart is not lean, Mr. Penrose.

Morell's division, with the two brigades abreast, arrayed in three lines, advanced across the meadows. Hatch's division, in still deeper formation, pushed through the wood on Morell's right. Nearer Bull Run were two brigades of Ricketts; and to Morell's left rear the division of regulars moved forward under Sykes. Morell's attack was directed against Jackson's right.

A. W. Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea; C. de Bazancourt's Crimean Expedition; G. B. McClellan's Reports on the Art of War in Europe in 1855-1856; R. C. McCormick's Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol; J. D. Morell's Neighbors of Russia, and History of the War to the Siege of Sebastopol; Pictorial History of the Russian War; Russell's British Expedition to the Crimea; General Todleben's History of the Defence of Sebastopol; H. Tyrrell's History of the War with Russia; Fyffe's History of Modern Europe; Life of Lord Palmerston; Life of Louis Napoleon.

Late in the afternoon of Thursday the 18th, Morell's division of Porter's corps was ordered to report to Burnside to relieve the picket line and some of the regiments in the most exposed position.