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Updated: August 8, 2024

On Mobile's eastern side Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, her last defenses, were fighting forty thousand besiegers. Kincaid's Battery was there, and there was heavy artillery, of course, but this time the "ladies' men" still so called had field-guns, though but three. They could barely man that number.

Morgan was now the only remaining work of the outer line of Mobile's defences to be "possessed and occupied," and General Granger, after throwing a sufficient garrison into Gaines, transferred his army and siege-train to the other side of the bay, and landing at Navy Cove, some four miles from Morgan, began its investment.

I could have said more, but I must desist at this time until another opportunity; and intreat you heartily, admonishing you by your Conscience, that you observe all that which I have revealed unto you, of all those Letters which are contained in the middle between Alpha & Omega, & that you keep all the Speeches & Writings, that you may not undergo a denial of pardon for your Sins, & a continued perpetual Vengeance for Eternity; which I at last reveal unto you thus: Take the Sky-coloured Sulphur extracted out of Silver, rectified with Spirit of Wine, dissolve it according to its Quantity in the White Spirit of Vitriol, and in the sweet-sented Spirit of Mercury, coagulate them together by the fixation of the Fire, you have the White Tincture in your Hands with all its Medicines; but if you can get all their primum Mobile's, it is then needless, because you can perfect the Work at once.

Meeting him now and, oh, to meet him now! there should be no questionings or explainings, but while he poured forth a love unsullied and unshaken she, scarce harkening, would with battle haste tell him, her life's commander, the one thing of value, outvaluing all mere lovers' love: The fact that behind a chimney-panel of Callender House, in its old trivial disguise, lay yet that long-lost fund pledged to Mobile's defense by themselves as lovers, by poor war-wasted Kincaid's Battery, and by all its scattered sisters; the fund which must, as nearly on the instant as his and her daring could contrive, be recovered and borne thither for the unlocking of larger, fate-compelling resources of deliverance.

The Mobiles were almost undisciplined, having only been out a month; and were, for the most part, armed only with the old muzzle loader. Many were clothed only in the gray trousers, with a red stripe, which forms part of the mobile's uniform; and in a blue blouse.

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