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As we approached the landing-place two guns were fired and flags displayed from house to house conspicuous by a string of them reaching the Mission House verandah, inscribed, "A REAL WELCOME TO METLAKAHTLA." Near to this were assembled all the village men, women, and children gaily dressed. The choice of this harbour of refuge is one of God's many providential dealings with this Mission.

"We have the honour to subscribe ourselves your Excellency's humble and obedient servants. "For the Indians of Metlakahtla, "Secretary to the Native Council." "The members of the Council all came forward in turn and signed the document by making their marks." The Governor-General replied as follows

On his knees he wept and prayed for pardon, and for strength to return; and next day he again appeared at Metlakahtla, to the joy of all. Legaic, who before was "a blasphemer, a persecutor, and injurious," was baptized by the name of Paul. In him indeed did "Jesus Christ show forth all long-suffering, for a pattern to them who shall hereafter believe on Him to life everlasting." The Rev.

At Skidegate Inlet, which divides the two principal of the Queen Charlotte Islands, he had a particularly warm reception. In a letter, dated March 21st, 1879, he wrote that he had thirty names on the list of catechumens, most of them heads of families. Mr. Collison has since removed to Metlakahtla, to undertake the pastoral and school-work there. His place at Massett has been taken by Mr.

The Indian camps at that time were "deluged with fire-water," and Metlakahtla, because it stood alone against "the universal tide of disorder," was threatened with the vengeance of its heathen neighbours. A quantity of liquor was landed there by a party of Kitahmaht Indians for sale. It was at once seized.

But just before Bering Sea closed in for the year, she bought a passage south on a strayed sealing schooner. That winter she cooked for Captain Markheim's household at Unalaska, and in the spring continued south to Sitka on a whisky sloop. Later on appeared at Metlakahtla, which is near to St. Mary's on the end of the Pan-Handle, where she worked in the cannery through the salmon season.

Duncan for the welfare and happiness of his village," A glance at the map will show that both Metlakahtla and Fort Simpson are situated on a peninsula which juts forth from the coast between the estuaries of two rivers, the Skeena to the south, and the Nass to the North. The mouth of the Nass River is one of the great fishing resorts of the Indians.

Doolan's efforts some fifty Indians had been influenced to abandon their heathen customs and to desire to live together as a Christian community; and a settlement similar to Metlakahtla was now planned. This settlement received the name of Kincolith; and here Mr. Tomlinson earnestly laboured from 1867 to 1878, when he left to go forward into the regions beyond.

The proud chief has become very docile and happy, and he and all declare it their intention to remain at Metlakahtla till death. Several of the foremost Christians make it their duty occasionally to visit them, and instruct and encourage them. Thus can God bring good out of evil."

Nevertheless, when the day of removal came, fifty Indians accompanied Mr. Duncan to Metlakahtla: "On the 27th May, in the afternoon, we started off. All that were ready to go with me occupied six canoes, and we numbered about fifty souls men, women, and children.