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And the same might have been said of Carolan, the Irish bard, who lived in poetry and died in whisky. The soul sleeping or dreaming away to God suggested an inquiry into the Gipsy idea of the nature of spirits. Can everybody see them, I wonder?" "Avo, rya, avo. Every mush can dick mullos if it's their cammoben to be dickdus. But 'dusta critters can dick mullos whether the mullos kaum it or kek.

Penned the hotchewitchi, "I'd rather jal with the Rommany chals, an' be hawed by foki that kaum mandy, than be pirraben apre by chals that dick kaulo apre mandy." It's kushtier for a tacho Rom to be mullered by a Rommany pal than to be nashered by the Gorgios.

The bravest will shirk fighting if he has forgotten his shield: the sight of a lion and the sound of a gun elicit screams of terror, and their Kaum or forays much resemble the style of tactics rendered obsolete by the Great Turenne, when the tactician's chief aim was not to fall in with his enemy.

A chirrico 'dree the mast is worth dui 'dree the bor. Never kin a pong dishler nor lel a romni by momeli dood. Never buy a handkerchief nor choose a wife by candle-light. Always jal by the divvus. Always go by the day. Chin tutes chuckko by tute's kaum. Cut your coat according to your fancy. This is a Gipsy variation of an old proverb. Fino ranyas kair fino trushnees.

G.G. has perhaps a little overrated the import of the passage he quotes from Schultz's travels. "Dass wir kaum 6 Stunden gefahren sind" even supposing there is no misprint of a 6 for an 8 or 9, which is quite possible will not, I apprehend, bear the meaning he collects from the words, viz. that the journey occupied no more than six hours, or less even than so much.

The honey-bird is never trusted by them; he leads, they say, either to the lions' den or the snakes' hiding-place, and often guides his victim into the jaws of the Kaum or plundering party. The Somal have several kinds of honey. The Donyale or wasp-honey, is scanty and bad; it is found in trees and obtained by smoking and cutting the branch.

Had he meant to say this, I imagine he would have used a totally different phrase: e. g. dass wir binnen kaum mehr als 6 Stunden nach London schön gekommen sind; or something like these words.