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Updated: August 25, 2024

I am as sorry to behold you there As know myself a Prisoner. Now you perceive To what a desperate state your headlong Counsells And rash designes have brought us: to stand out now Were to no purpose, for, alas, they have Too pregnant prooffes against us. Bar. You that feele The horrour of fowle guilt in your falce bosom Confes yourself soe; my strong Inocence To the death stands constant. Or.

Your white is Death, your milke white inocence, your black mourning, your orange spitefull, your flesh colour lascivious, your maides blush envied, your red is defiance, your gold is avaritious, your straw plenty, your greene hope, your sea greene inconstant, your violet religious, your willow forsaken. Sis. La. Tis pitty but there should be some bookes for our instruction in this art. De.

1 Lord. Will ye confes your faultes? Bar. I come not heather To make myself guilty; yet one fault I must utter, And 'tis a great one. 2 Lord. The greater mercy. Bar. I dye for saving this unthanckfull Cuntry. 1 Lord. Play not with heaven. Bar. My Game's as sure as yours is, And with more care and inocence I play it. Take of my doblet; and I prethee, fellow, Strike without feare. Exec.

You shall have gold to furnish you, and this don Propose your owne rewards, they shalbe graunted. Cap. Or. Doe, and prosper. Will. What will you do with Leidenberge? Bred. Let him be Kept safe a while: for Barnavelt, till we have Some certaine proofes against him, I hold fitt He have his libertie, but be suspended From any place or voice in Court untill His guilt or inocence appeere. Vand.

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