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Foukes was without question one of the most competent and aggressive of the Bolo leaders. He was a very powerful man physically and had long years of service as a private in the old Russian Army, and was without question a most able leader of men.

As a matter of fact, in this motley crew of prisoners were a number of Germans and Austrians, who could scarcely speak a word of German and who were probably more than thankful to be taken prisoners and thus be relieved from active warfare. During this maneuver one of their bravest and ablest commanders, by the name of Foukes, was killed, which was an irreparable loss to the enemy.

General Ironside Makes Expedition Aim Defensive Bolsheviki Help Give It Character Toulgas Surprise Attack Nov. 11th By Reds Canadian Artillery Escapes Capture We Win Back Our Positions "Lady Olga" Saves Wounded Men Heroic Wallace Cudahy And Derham Carry Upper Toulgas By Assault Foukes A Jubilant Bonfire Many Prisoners Ivan Puzzled By Our War Bolo Attack In January Fails Dresing Nearly Takes Prisoner Winter Patrolling Corporal Prince's Patrol Ambushed We Hold Toulgas.

During this four days' attack and counter attack he had led his men by a circuitous route through the forests, wading in swamps waist deep, carrying machine guns and rations. The nights were of course miserably cold and considerable snow had fallen, but Foukes would risk no fire of any kind for fear of discovery.

We cantered out of the town over the river, heading towards a hilly country, which had few houses upon it. I looked back after leaving Axminster, to see if Lord Grey wanted me. He had mounted his horse somewhere in the town; but he was now a couple of hundred yards behind us, riding' with a third man, whom I judged to be Colonel Foukes, by his broad white regimental scarf.

'Oh, thank you, certainly; here it is, said William Wylder, eagerly, and he gazed with his kind, truthful eyes upon the attorney's countenance as he glanced over it, trying to read something of futurity therein. 'Foukes and Mauley, said Mr. Larkin. 'I have never had but one transaction with them; they are not always pleasant people to deal with.