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Showed him all he knew: talked with him of many things he felt himself unable to paint: made him a workman and a gentleman, above all, a Christian, yet left him a shepherd. And Heaven had made him such a painter, that, at his height, the words of his epitaph are in nowise overwrought: "Ille ego sum, per quem pictura extincta revixit."

A word or two, now, about the repainting by which this pictura extincta has been revived to meet existing taste. The sky is entirely daubed over with fresh blue; yet it leaves with unusual care the original outline of the descending angel, and of the white clouds about his body.

Lug. And not more than twenty years after Constantine's entire possession of the empire, Julius Firmiens Maternus calls upon the emperors Constantius and Constans to extirpate the relics of the ancient religion; the reduced and fallen condition of which is described by our author in the following words: "Licet adhue in quibusdam regionibus idololatriae morientia palpitont membra; tamen in eo res est, ut a Christianis omnibus terris pestiferum hoc malum funditus amputetur:" and in another place, "Modicum tautum superest, ut legibus vestris extincta idololatriae pereat funesta contagio."

She was very fond of inventing devices for seals, and other such ingenious exercises of her brains, and she gave a star with the motto, "Procul sed non extincta," which she civilly said bore reference to me in my transatlantic home.