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"The blessing of us both Upon Eoghan Mac Neill, On all who may be born from him, Provided they are obedient." Eochaidh, son of Fiachra, son of Eoghan, was baptized with Eoghan, and Patrick's covenant was made between them; and whosoever transgresses it shall not have children born to him, and his body will not rot in the clay. Where Patrick went after this was into Daigurt in Magh-Dula.

Eoghan Ruadh O'Sullivan and Andrew MacGrath, called An Mangaire Sugach or "the Jolly Pedlar," are well-known instances of this type. The poor scholar is another type that under varying forms and under various circumstances has ever trod the stage of Irish history. Columcille, and some other youths studied at Clonard and were supported by the neighborhood.

"They are all alike to me," answered Eoghan. "They shall have united love," said Patrick. Patrick went to Ailech of the kings, when he blessed the fort and left his flag there; and he prophesied that kingship and pre-eminence should be over Erinn from Ailech.

He left three sons Ross, Oengus, and Eoghan who were renowned for martial deeds valiant and heroic in battle and in conflict. Of the three, Oengus excelled in all gallant deeds so that he came to be styled Oengus of the poisonous javelin. Cormac Mac Art Mac Conn it was who reigned in Ireland at this time.

As surnames were not generally used either in Ireland or anywhere else, till after the tenth century, the great families are distinguishable at first, only by their tribe or clan names. Thus at the north we have the Hy-Nial race; in the south the Eugenian race, so called from Nial and Eoghan, their mutual ancestors.

Patrick afterwards blessed Eoghan, with his sons. "Which of your sons is dearest to you?" asked Patrick. "Muiredhach," said he. "Sovereignty from him for ever," said Patrick. "And next to him?" asked Patrick. "Fergus," answered he. "Dignity from him," said Patrick. "And after him?" asked Patrick. "Eocha Bindech," said Eoghan. "Warriors from him," said Patrick. "And after him?" asked Patrick.

Consequent on their banishment as above by the king of Ireland they sought hospitality from the king of Munster, Oilill Olum, because Sadhbh, daughter of Conn Ceadcathach was his wife. They got land from him, scil.: the Decies of Munster, and it is to that race, i.e. the race of Eoghan Mac Fiacha Suighde that the kings and country of the Decies belong ever since.

"Welcome," said Eoghan. "What is Patrick's wish?" Conall said: "That you assist me." Conall afterwards observed: "If it is according to youth precedence in a king's house or land is to be given, I am the youngest; if according to mother's age, Enna Cromm is the oldest."

In 1848 he was chosen as governor of Oregon, and was considered one of the ablest of the United States Generals. His political views being in sympathy with the Young Irelanders, several of them looked towards Shields as another Eoghan Ruadh, who would accept the call of his country and return to lead the Irish once they had taken the field.

Patrick proceeded into Tir-Eoghain of the Islands namely, into the territory governed by Fergus and he took to build a disert at a certain place; Achadh-Driman was the proper name of the land in which he built it. But Coelbhadh, son of Eoghan, drove him from thence, and Patrick said that in consequence thereof his race should never have a goodly house there.