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Updated: August 22, 2024

Ney, however, fell back upon Condeixa, where his main body was posted, and all farther pursuit was for the present abandoned.

The south transept door is a copy of a door at Santarem. The heavy transverse arches and the curious way the diagonal vaulting ribs are left to take care of themselves have been seen no further away than at Alcobaça; the flat-paved terraced roofs, whose origin the Visconde di Condeixa in his monograph on the convent, sought even as far off as in Cyprus, existed already at Evora and elsewhere.

Once across the bridge, the troops found the defile of Condeixa so choked up that it was impossible to effect a passage, and, had the French pressed them the division must have been destroyed. The French infantry, however, had not arrived, and by night the road was cleared, and the troops passed on.

A last engagement, which took place upon the banks of the Soure, in front of the position of Redinha, permitted Ney at last to cross the river, and gain the town of Condeixa. The position was strong, and Massena counted on the energetic resistance of his rear-guard, in order to hinder the English, and leave time for the different corps to reassemble at Coimbra.

The Tua may mean the 'gushing' river, and the Ave recalls the many Avons. Ebora, now Evora, is very like the Roman name of York, Eboracum. Briga, too, the common termination of town names in Roman times as in Conimbriga Condeixa a Velha or Cetobriga, near Setubal in Celtic means height or fortification.

Edvard Munch. Sculpture Gold Medal. Ingebrigt Vik. Philippine Section. Oil Painting Gold Medal. Felix R. Hidalgo, 98. Portuguese Section. Oil Painting Grand Prize. Jose Malhoa, 109, 110, 111. Medal of Honor. Jose Veloso Salgado, 109, 111. Gold Medals. Artur Alves Cardoso, 109, 110, 111; Ernesto Ferreira Condeixa, 109, 111; Joao Vaz, 109, 110, 111. Swedish Section. Oil Painting Grand Prize.

Marshal Ney on this occasion failed to realize the just hopes of his chief; after a slight skirmish, he abandoned Condeixa, and overtaking in his haste the corps that his movement had exposed, he fell back upon the main body of the army. A position at Coimbra became impossible, as Lord Wellington was following closely on our divided forces.

More material memorials are the milestones which still stand in the Gerez, some tombstones, and some pavements and other remains at Condeixa a Velha, once Conimbriga, near Coimbra and at the place now called Troya, perhaps the original Cetobriga, on a sandbank opposite Setubal, a town whose founders were probably Phoenicians.

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