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'May I suggest, sir, to Colendorp, who happened to be the captain of his own squadron, 'that it is unusual to be obliged to act so carefully as we have been advised to do in this case? Colendorp's dark face grew darker, but the honour of the Guard over-rode all personal considerations. 'I have been hasty, Unziar, he said in a stifled voice after a slight pause.

'Maäsau the Free! Long live the Duke! The Duke's man ... I ... Colendorp of ... The wind had lulled for a second. Again the mad blast caught and wrenched Colendorp's figure, the snow gave between his feet, and he plunged forward heavily into the gorge of the Kofn river.

Aye, like that! he smashed his riding-whip across his knee as he spoke, and flinging away the pieces, he added, 'And by the powers above us, I will! Rallywood saluted and rode away. At once the foresters fell to work feverishly to fill in the earth over Colendorp's body. Once more through the falling snow Rallywood looked back.

Colendorp's silence was telling on Sagan's self-control. 'Yes, the Duke! he reiterated. 'He has never given a thought to the welfare of Maäsau. Its revenues are his necessity, that is all! If the ruler will not take the interests of the country into consideration, his people must supply his place.

'Then' Elmur laid a hand on the old man's shoulder, but Sagan shook it off 'then, Captain Colendorp, he must go to make room for another who can better fill his place! Just as Wallenloup must go to give room to another and less obstructive chief. Colendorp's dark eyes glared straight in front of him.

'By the way, my dear Count, have you ever thought of the possibility of Captain Colendorp's refusal to see things in our light? Elmur was asking, after an interval filled in by the noises of wind and water which could not be shut out of the Castle on such a night. The Count looked up and scowled. 'Leave the management of the affair to me, he said.

'Yes, his affairs came to an impossible pass, perhaps. For the rest, this seems to me less like Colendorp's secret than the secret of some other man. Rallywood met the red eye full of smouldering wrath. 'Pardon me, my lord, but in the name of the Guard, I protest against burial of Captain Colendorp in this place. 'I have given my orders, answered Sagan.