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In the cross figure shown in plate CLVIII, d, we find four bird figures with short, stumpy tail-feathers. These highly conventionalized birds, with the head in the form of a crook and the tail-feathers as parallel lines, are illustrated on many pottery objects, nowhere better, however, than in those shown in plates CXXVI, a, and CLX, e.

The arms of the cross are represented; their intersection is left in white. The interpretation of figure 317 as a highly conventionalized bird design is also in accord with the same interpretation of a number of similar, although less complicated, figures which appear with crosses. Thus the three arms of plate CLX, a, have highly conventionalized bird symbols attached to their extremities.

But that evening a man driving his cattle home saw a young woman nailed to the peepul tree; and not knowing that she was a bonga he released her and took her home and married her. Part V. The legends and customary beliefs contained in this part are definitely connected with the Santals. CLX. The Beginning of Things.

CLX. To MRS. DUNLOP. ELLISLAND, 7th Feb. 1791. When I tell you, Madam, that by a fall, not from my horse, but with my horse, I have been a cripple some time, and that this is the first day my arm and hand have been able to serve me in writing, you will allow that it is too good an apology for my seemingly ungrateful silence.

In this design there are likewise two sunflower symbols. The modified cross figure in b of the same plate, like that just mentioned, suggests a swastica, but fails to be one, and unless the complicated design in figure c may be so interpreted, no swastica was found at Sikyatki or Awatobi. Plate CLX, d, shows another form of cross, two arms of which are modified into triangles.

CLX. TO GEORGE SAND Monday morning, 11 o'clock I felt that something unpleasant had happened to you, because I had just written to you for news when your letter was brought to me this morning. I fished mine back from the porter; here is a second one. Poor dear master! How uneasy you must have been and Madame Maurice also.

Simple crosses with arms of equal length appear on the vessels shown in plate CLIX, c, d. There are many similar crosses, subordinate to the main design, in various bowls, especially those decorated with figures of birds and sky deities. Plate CLX, a, exhibits a cruciform design, to the extremities of three arms of which bird figures are attached.