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Such are the frightful excesses of barbaric minds! every time this old man said, "Take that," he flung some article near him at the head of the undaunted Gahagan his dagger, his sword, his carbine, his richly ornamented pistols, his turban covered with jewels, worth a hundred thousand crores of rupees finally, his hookah, snake mouthpiece, silver-bell, chillum and all which went hissing over my head, and flattening into a jelly the nose of the Grand Vizier.

I took one: it was the bitterest chillum I ever smoked in my life. I am not going to give here an account of my military services; they will appear in my great national autobiography, in forty volumes, which I am now preparing for the press.

He could not think of moving till his baggage was cleared, or of travelling until he could do so with his chillum. So the Major was forced to wait over that night, and dispatched a letter to his family announcing his arrival, entreating from Jos a promise to write to his own friends. Jos promised, but didn't keep his promise.

Genesis returned, with a little complacency. "How ole yo' pappy?" "Oh, he's OLD!" Jane explained. William deigned to correct her. "He's not old, he's middle-aged." "Well, suh," said Mr. Genesis, "I had three chillum 'fo' I 'uz twenty. I had two when I 'uz eighteem." William showed sudden interest. "You did!" he exclaimed. "How old were you when you had the first one?"