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Vulich did not trouble himself about the bullets or the sabres of the Chechenes, but sought for the lucky gambler.

"You have been a long time in the Chechenes' country?" "Yes, I was quartered there for about ten years along with my company in a fortress, near Kamennyi Brod. Do you know the place?" "I have heard the name." "I can tell you, my boy, we had quite enough of those dare-devil Chechenes.

"You have committed a sin, brother Ephimych!" said the captain, "so all you can do now is to submit." "I will not submit!" answered the Cossack. "Have you no fear of God! You see, you are not one of those cursed Chechenes, but an honest Christian! Come, if you have done it in an unguarded moment there is no help for it! You cannot escape your fate!"

"And an utterly stupid people too!" he replied. "Would you believe it, they are absolutely ignorant and incapable of the slightest civilisation! Why even our Kabardians or Chechenes, robbers and ragamuffins though they be, are regular dare-devils for all that. Whereas these others have no liking for arms, and you'll never see a decent dagger on one of them! Ossetes all over!"

I saw that neither fame nor happiness depends on them in the least, because the happiest people are the uneducated, and fame is good fortune, to attain which you have only to be smart. Then I grew bored... Soon afterwards I was transferred to the Caucasus; and that was the happiest time of my life. I hoped that under the bullets of the Chechenes boredom could not exist a vain hope!

That unpleasant duty discharged, Vulich dashed forward, carried the soldiers along after him, and, to the very end of the affair, fought the Chechenes with the utmost coolness. When Lieutenant Vulich came up to the table, we all became silent, expecting to hear, as usual, something original.