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"You married Oliva Corsinari in the church of San Paolo del Monte-Cattini; here is the priest's certificate." "Yes indeed, there it is truly," said the Italian, looking on with astonishment. "And here is Andrea Cavalcanti's baptismal register, given by the curate of Saravezza." "All quite correct." "Take these documents, then; they do not concern me.

"Are you implying, sir, that there is a further crime for which Messer Agostino d'Anguissola should be indicted?" he inquired. Cosimo shrugged and pursed his lips. "I will not go so far, since the matter of Ettore Cavalcanti's death does not immediately concern me. Besides, there is enough contained in the indictment as it stands."

Will you take charge of our invitation to Messieurs Cavalcanti?" "When will it take place?" "On Saturday." "M. Cavalcanti's father will be gone." "But the son will be here; will you invite young M. Cavalcanti?" "I do not know him, viscount." "You do not know him?" "No, I never saw him until a few days since, and am not responsible for him." "But you receive him at your house?"

Indeed, the stanza itself, as used by our earliest poets, may be found in Guido Cavalcanti's 'Ballatetta, beginning, Posso degli occhi miei. Between Chaucer and Surrey the Muse of England fell asleep; but when in the latter half of the reign of Henry VIII. she awoke again, it was as a conscious pupil of the Italian that she attempted new strains and essayed fresh metres.