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This sort of thing was encouraging at the time, and kept our lads in good heart; but, in the long run, it has proved demoralizing to our critics as well as to their clients. For, now that the war is over, those who so loyally proclaimed that any bugle-boy was a better musician than any fiddler find themselves incapable of distinguishing, not only between fiddlers, but even between buglers.

H. I shall thank you if you will teach me, for my Kate, the words of that song your sister was singing when we came in. Owen. I believe it's to flatter me you say this, for that song is my writing. Mr. H. Yours? Owen. Mine, such as it is. Mr. H. Sic a ane as you are then, I'm glad you are not to be a bugle-boy: your sister is right. Owen. I'll teach you the words as we go along. Mr.

Sir W. Then pray go down to the inn here, and inquire if any of the Scotch officers are there. Gilb. I will, sir. I heard say the officers went off this morning. Sir W. Then you need not go to inquire for them. Gilb. No, sir. Only as I heard say, the drum-major and band is to stay a few days in Bannow, on account of their wanting to enlist a new bugle-boy.

"Because he knows that you are not a private soldier, but a bugle-boy." "Well, I can't help that, can I? I am a-growing, and I dare say I could hit a haystack as well as a good many of our chaps. They ain't all of them so clever because they are a bit older than I am." "Well, don't get into a tiff, Punch. This isn't a time to show your temper." "Who's a-showing temper? I can't help being a boy.

H. And better for him to do something abroad than digging at home; and in the army he might get on, and here's the bugle-boy's pay. Mabel. Is it a bugle-boy you are thinking of making him? Mr. H. That's the only thing I could make him. I wish I could offer better. Mabel.