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I would have had the first except for my youth and the inconvenience of having me leave a class where I needed to stay longer. That same year Madeleine Brohan won the first prize in comedy. She competed with a selection from Misanthrope, and Mlle. Jouassin gave the other part of the dialogue. Mlle.

The company of the Theatre Francais had been commanded to play this evening. The piece chosen was the latest one of Emile Augier, which has had a great success in Paris, called "Le fils Giboyer." Emile Augier, who was invited specially, was present. Madeleine Brohan, Coquelin, Breton, and Madame Favard had the principal roles.

It required the dictation of the vindictive and malevolent Fenayrou to crystallise her hatred of Aubert into a deliberate participation in his murder. Eight or nine miles north-west of Paris lies the small town of Chatou, a pleasant country resort for tired Parisians. Here Madeleine Brohan, the famous actress, had inhabited a small villa, a two-storied building.

In the evening, in spite of my fatigue after travelling all night, I went to the Theatre Francais for the first time, and there, lost in admiration of the masterly ensemble and the natural yet passionate acting, with which I had hitherto seen nothing to compare, I saw Girardin's Le supplice d'une femme, and Beaumarchais' Le mariage de Figaro, in one evening making the acquaintance of such stars as Regnier, Madame Favart, Coquelin and the Sisters Brohan.

Among the women, Marie Lloyd and Sophie Croizette, both friends of my childhood; the disagreeable Jouassain, who was nice only to me; and the adorable Marie Brohan, whose kindness delighted the soul, whose wit charmed the mind, and whose indifference rebuffed devotion. M. Perrin decided that I should make my debut in Mademoiselle de Belle-Isle, according to Sarcey's wish.