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Would ye want yon radical bodies to take chairge o' ony business in which ye had a baubee? Ye're talkin' havers." "Now, let us look at the last," said Mr. Matheson. "It is practically a demand for the closed shop. Now, McNish, I ask you, man to man, what is the use of putting that in there? It is not even a negotiating point." At that McNish fired up. "It is no negotiating point," he declared.

Seven o'clock came and still no sign of Flash or the Bubble, and there we sat, two sad boys without a baubee in the jeans, hungry to the limit and with an ever present vision of our two worried wives displacing a bunch of expensive space in a restaurant while they waited for us to show. It was pitiful.

"A thoosan' poun'! No ae baubee! Cosmo, I wad hae thoucht ye had mair sense! Ye can gie me the twa poun' ten I gae to Grizzie to help haud the life in 's a'. A body maun hae something i' their pooch gien they can, an' gien they canna, they maun du wi' naething. It's won'erfu' hoo little 's railly wantit!" Cosmo felt miserable. "Ye winna surely gang ohn seein' Maister Simon!"

There was nothing in his clothes, arms or ornaments, indicating him to have been a chief. On this point the testimony of Anthony Shane is explicit; and his statement is confirmed by colonel Baubee of the British army, who was familiarly acquainted with Tecumseh.