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Bobbachy Bahawder has seen the dreadful Feringhee, Gahagan Khan Gujputi, the elephant-lord, whose sword reaps the harvest of death; there is but one champion who can wear the papooshes of the elephant-slayer it is Bobbachy Bahawder!" "You speak truly, Puneeree Muckun, the Bahawder ruminates on the words of the unbeliever: he is an ostrich, and hatches the eggs of his thoughts."

I suppose everybody everybody who has been in India, at least has heard the name of Bobbachy Bahawder: it is derived from the two Hindustanee words bobbachy, general; bahawder, artilleryman.

Who is there here that knows not the difference between yonder yellow-skinned coward and Gahagan Khan Guj I mean Bobbachy Bahawder? I am ready to fight one, two, three, or twenty of them, at broad-sword, small-sword, single- stick, with fists if you please.

He had been in this position for about three hours it was the very position in which I had caused Bobbachy Bahawder to be placed an attitude uncomfortable, it is true, but one which renders escape impossible, unless treason aid the prisoner.

Listen, madam: you know this dress and these arms; they are the arms of your husband, Bobbachy Bahawder MY PRISONER. He now lies in yonder fort, and if I do not return before daylight, at sunrise he dies: and then, when they send his corpse back to Holkar, what will you, his WIDOW, do? "Oh!" said she, shuddering, "spare me, spare me!" "I'll tell you what you will do.

"Hearken now, Gahagan Khan. His Highness Prince Holkar has sent me to thee. You shall have the moon-face for your wife your second wife, that is; the first shall be the incomparable Puttee Rooge, who loves you to madness; with Puttee Rooge, who is the wife, you shall have the wealth and rank of Bobbachy Bahawder, of whom his Highness intends to get rid.

Bobbachy Bahawder rode behind me, restored to his rank and state; troops of cavalry hemmed us in on all sides; my ass was conducted by the common executioner: a crier went forward, shouting out, "Make way for the destroyer of the faithful he goes to bear the punishment of his crimes."

And the day after, there appeared among the fashionable reunions in the Morning Post a paragraph to the following effect: "Yesterday, Colonel and Mrs. Crawley entertained a select party at dinner at their house in May Fair. Wagg, &c. After dinner Mrs. Sands Bedwin, Bobachy Bahawder," and an &c., which the reader may fill at his pleasure through a dozen close lines of small type.

I suppose everybody everybody who has been in India, at least has heard the name of Bobbachy Bahawder: it is derived from the two Hindustanee words bobbachy, general; bahawder, artilleryman.

"Hearken now, Gahagan Khan. His Highness Prince Holkar has sent me to thee. You shall have the moon-face for your wife your second wife, that is; the first shall be the incomparable Puttee Rooge, who loves you to madness; with Puttee Rooge, who is the wife, you shall have the wealth and rank of Bobbachy Bahawder, of whom his Highness intends to get rid.