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Is it not strange that I, an old woman, sitting in my own room, am positively ashamed and disgusted at the scenes and conversations which were read aloud to me in mixed companies, without a blush or shudder, when I was eighteen?" Now, in Shakspeare's time, there was no female in the land that would have stumbled at the grossest passages in Assa Behn.

I sent the maid with the litter, which was waiting outside, to the temple here for help; the girl said that her master, the father of the child, was at the war, but that the grandfather, the noble Assa, had promised to meet the lady Setchem at the tomb, and would shortly be coming; then she disappeared with the litter. I washed the child, and kissed it as if it were my own.

Children point their fingers at me, honest men and women avoid me, I am an abomination to all men, nay to myself. And one only is guilty of all this ruin the noblest gentleman in Thebes the pious Assa.

The dead shall all be equally judged, and subject to the inscrutable decrees. Where shall I find him? Among the blest, or among the damned? And I? It matters not! The deeper the abyss into which they fling me the better. Can Assa, if he is among the blest, remain in bliss, when he sees to what he has brought me?

Then I heard distant steps in the valley, and the recollection of the moment when I, lying at the point of death, had received that gift of money from Assa came over me, and then I do not know myself how it happened I gave the new-born grandchild of Assa to my slave-girl, and told her to carry it quickly to the cave, and I wrapped the little six-toed baby in my rags and held it in my lap.

His father was the noble warrior Assa," answered the haruspex, "and he therefore, after he himself had attained the highest consideration and vast wealth, escorted home the niece of the King Hor-em-lieb, who would have had a claim to the throne, as well as the Regent, if the grandfather of the present Rameses had not seized it from the old family by violence."

They will let me rot and disappear, and there will be no future for me, no meeting with Assa." The old woman remained silent for a long time; at last she murmured hoarsely with her eyes fixed on the ground: "Death brings release, if only from the torment of remembrance. But there is a life beyond the grave. I do not, I will not cease to hope.

I sent the maid with the litter, which was waiting outside, to the temple here for help; the girl said that her master, the father of the child, was at the war, but that the grandfather, the noble Assa, had promised to meet the lady Setchem at the tomb, and would shortly be coming; then she disappeared with the litter. I washed the child, and kissed it as if it were my own.

The town where the Sheikh resides, is of good size, and has a millah, or Jew's quarter, besides a good market. The river Noun rises in the mountains above Souk Aisa or Assa, and is there called Wad-el-Aisa; and, passing through the district of Wadnoun, it takes the name of Assaka. The ancient name of this river was Daradus.

During this, a lesser black carry'd about bread in a silver oven, and with a hideous voice, forced a bawdy song from a buffoon that stunk like assa foetida. When Trimalchio perceived we look'd somewhat awkwardly on such course fare, "Come, come," said he, "fall to and eat, this is the custom of the place."