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The plan of the excavation was made by M. Antoine and communicated to the "Bulletin de la Societe Archeologique de Touraine," in 1858, but I will give a description from the pen of a later visitor. "The upper rock-shelter has been dug out or enlarged with a pick. The stone is a tender tufa, containing a quantity of little cores of black silex, giving it a spotty appearance.

We have to express our acknowledgments to Dr. Birch for permission to make use of this valuable collection. PERROT, GUILLAUME ET DELBET, Exploration archéologique de la Galatie, vol. ii. pl. 32. Exploration archéologique, vol. ii. pl. 11. LAYARD, Discoveries, p. 508. PLACE, Ninive, vol. ii. pp. 68-70.

Breuil, in Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de Picardie, viii. p. 206; E. Cortet, Essai sur les Fêtes Religieuses, p. 216; Laisnel de la Salle, Croyances et Légendes du Centre de la France, i. 83; J. Lecoeur, Esquisses du Bocage Normand, ii. 225. H. Gaidoz, "Le dieu gaulois du soleil et le symbolisme de la roue," Revue Archéologique, iii. Série, iv. p. 26, note 3.

H. Gaidoz, "Le dieu Gaulois du Soleil et le symbolisme de la Roue," Revue Archéologique, iii. Série, iv. pp. 29 sq. Bruno Stehle, "Volksglauben, Sitten und Gebräuche in Lothringen," Globus, lix. pp. 378 sq.; "Die Sommerwendfeier im St. Amarinthale," Der Urquell, N.F., i. pp. 181 sqq. According to one writer, the garlands are composed of St. As to the use of St.

This accumulation has sometimes reached a height of about 24 feet. PLACE, Ninive, vol. i. p. 294. PLACE, Ninive, vol. i. pp. 293-294. E. FLANDIN, Voyage archéologique

* Revue Archéologique, xxix., p. 127. M. Edouard Naville found at Thebes many remains of the Punt sculptures. The Puntites appear with their aquiline features, their pointed beards, and their long hair; negroes also of black and brown varieties are represented adjoining the Puntites proper. There are wickerwork huts, and a figure of a large white dog with its ears hanging down.