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What says the old song? "'Ulster for a soldier, Connaught for a thief, Munster for learning, And Leinster for beef. "Hoorah for learned Munster! and down with beggarly, thievish Connaught! I would that a Connaught man would come athwart me now, that I might break his thief's head with my Alpeen." "You don't seem to like the Connaught men," said I.

To our astonishment, in accents so Gallic that one discerned with difficulty that he was attempting English, he intoned: Zee seds of neet fair valeeng fast, Ven t'rough an Alpeen veelage past A yout, who bore meed snow and eece A bannair veed dees strange deveece Excelsiorr! "'Eh, voila, he exclaimed with satisfaction, 'J'ai appris cela a l'école. C'est tout l'anglais que je sais.

We rattled up to the Kenmare Arms; and so ended, not without a sigh on my part, one of the merriest six-hour rides that five yachtsmen, one cockney, five women and a child, the carman, and a countryman with an alpeen, ever took in their lives.

Their weapons were the caubeen, the alpeen, and the doodeen of the country the latter a short but dreadful weapon of offence. At the demise of the venerable Theobald Mathew, the nation had laid aside its habit of temperance, and universal intoxication betokened their grief; it became afterwards their constant habit.

"And sure I ought to be, your honour, seeing as how my father taught me, who was the best fighting man with a stick that the Shanavests ever had. Many is the head of a Caravaut that he has broken with some such an Alpeen wattle as the one I am carrying with me here." "A good thing," said I, "that there are no Old Waist-coats and Cravats at present, at least bloody factions bearing those names."