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This frigid, make-believe happiness, even though supported by the satisfaction of being absolute mistress of the household, could not long suffice for a nature like Mme. de La Fayette's; and therein lies perhaps the secret of all the unwritten history that follows. Just at what time the friendship between Mme. de La Fayette and La Rochefoucauld began, is uncertain.

Is this the decision of the better Daudet? is it not a Parisian Daudet, whose sympathy for his native land has been warped by the play of Parisian mockery on his sensitive, easily convinced nature? It is precisely in "Numa Roumestan," where he is making his most complete study of the character of the southerner, that Daudet is most pessimistic.

I have to express to you in reply the great satisfaction with which Her Majesty's Government have received this communication, and lose no time in authorizing you to assure your Government that the British cabinet, like that of France, desires to uphold the integrity and independence of the Ottoman empire under its existing dynasty; and is ready to use its influence and its means of action for the purpose of maintaining this essential element of the balance of power in Europe; and like that of France, would not hesitate to declare itself openly against any combination which might be be conceived in a spirit of hostility to the principles above mentioned.

Cheer'd with the news, his Captains all as one, In humble manner do address the throne, And press the King to give them his commission To join the English in this Expedition. To their request the cheerful King assents.

His next venture was the co-principalship of a private school at Nantes, but he soon resigned his position and became the editor of a paper at Brest. This he was soon compelled to give up for political reasons, and he then accepted a professorship of rhetoric in the same place, and afterwards in Mühlhausen.

At her solicitation Daudet was made one of the secretaries of the powerful Duke of Morny, president of the corps législatif . His duties were purely nominal. He now had money enough to keep the wolf from his door and was free to devote himself to literature. It was at this time that the stage began to attract him. His first play, "La Dernière Idole," was produced at the Odéon in 1862.

94 19 Pas le sou: 'penniless'; je n'ai pas le sou = 'I haven't a cent. 94 21 Tarascon! for the electrifying sonorousness of this call cf. note to 1 1. 94 27 il croyait

MERCUTIO. Well said: follow me this jest now, till thou hast worn thy pump; that, when the single sole of it is worn, the jest may remain, after the wearing, solely singular. ROM

59 7 Allons: plain imperative, not the exclamation cf. 58 6. 59 15 l'espérer: for this le cf. note to 25 18. 59 16 du reste: 'besides. 59 29 casse-tête

After several months of confinement at Loewestein, Cornelius caught and domesticated some pigeons that came from Dordrecht, and in that way sent a letter to his old nurse. In this letter was a message for Rosa.