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In 1557 he had charge of the army sent into Italy at the request of Paul IV., to undertake the conquest of the kingdom of Naples. After the disastrous defeat of Saint-Quentin, he was placed in command of all the armies, both within and without the kingdom; then followed a series of brilliant victories for the French, resulting in the capture of Calais, Guines, and Thionville.

In the present instance, I really believe the suspicion to be entirely unfounded, and that the mission was undertaken in the most friendly spirit, and was hastened at our request.

It was a matter of no difficulty for him to obtain her request for a meeting. On his return to France he announced this to Nemours. The Duke sent Lignerolles, his most trusted servant, to London; the response brought back by Lignerolles was encouraging.

Cheer'd with the news, his Captains all as one, In humble manner do address the throne, And press the King to give them his commission To join the English in this Expedition. To their request the cheerful King assents.