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This union was an important event in the life of Mme. de La Fayette, for it marks the beginning of her residence at Paris, and of her friendship with Mme. de Sévigné, who was a kinswoman of the Chevalier.

51 15 qu'il l'effleura de son haleine: lit. 'that he felt her breath sweep lightly over him. 51 17 prêt

Risler, the partner of Fromont, withdraws large sums from the common treasury to satisfy the extravagant desires of Sidonie whom he loves. Fromont's eyes are at last opened; he finds the firm, which had always been his pride, on the verge of bankruptcy; he discovers the perfidy of Sidonie and attempts to force her to beg on her knees the forgiveness of Risler's long-suffering wife.

For, although in her earlier works the précieuse influence is everywhere felt, yet all traces of such influence disappear in La Princesse de Clèves.

Signal, and then get in. 2. You would have done better not to go to the city on foot. 3. Tartarin got into the first omnibus that passed. 4. He perceived that there was a sailor at the back of the omnibus smoking cigarettes. 5. Opposite him there were some young Moorish women whose eyes he could not see. 6. The one who was sitting there thought she noticed that he was looking at her. 7.

Her mother was sprung from an ancient family of Provence, among whom, says Auger, literary talent had long been a heritage; but the mother herself if we are to believe Mme. de La Fayette's biographers possessed no talent save that of intrigue.

«L'onanisme tire son nom d'Onam, second fils du patriarche Juda, qui après la mort de son frère Her, fut forcé, selon la coutume, d'épouser sa soeur Thamar pour donner une postérité

So Juan felt beneath her grace's eye As, I have sung, and I confess his feeling Acts strongly on my own, I can't tell why; But as I like plain, honest, upright dealing, I'll e'en confess I'm half afraid to try Another line; my pen's, like Juan, reeling; For 'tis indeed an awkward situation, Might end in.... heav'ns! now don't say what flirtation.

L'orchestre préluda enfin par la «Marche des Joyeux Garçons de Southwark», et toute la salle reprit en choeur le refrain: With his nancy on his knee, And his arm around her waist... Une gaieté folle s'était emparée de la salle entière, et les spectateurs hurlaient avec une telle force que l'on n'entendait plus la musique dans laquelle cependant dominaient les instruments de cuivre.

47 23 Noiraud: 'Blacky, a pet name often given to animals. 48 1 réclamant ... Mustapha: 'shouting for her donkey till all the echos of Mustapha rang. Réclamer a = 'to demand from. 48 11 Va te promener! lit. 'go take a walk! transl. 48 17 l'on s'entendit: cf. note to 16 29.