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I certainly wish that I had been able to answer M. Thiers's note sooner, so that the reply would have been given to him instead of his successor; but I could not; I was overwhelmed with business of every sort and kind, and had no command of my time; I did not think however that the fact of M. Thiers having gone out of office was a reason for withholding my reply; the note of October contained important doctrines of public law which it was impossible for the British government to acquiesce in; and silence would have been construed as acquiescence.

When the young princess had become the sister-in-law of the King and the idol of the young Court, she remained steadfast in her love for the friend who had cheered her lonely convent life; and thus Mme. de La Fayette came at the age of thirty to be one of the company that gathered around Madame at Fontainebleau and Saint-Cloud, "spectatrice plutôt qu'agissante," says Sainte-Beuve.

That every thing which I said of those proceedings is true, is proved by the French newspapers, and even by the general orders of French generals.

These old cannon are set in the pavement of the quay as posts for the mooring of ships and for similar uses. 92 24 A peine vient-il de sauter ... qu': 'scarcely has he leaped when. A peine reenforces vient de. For the inversion cf. note to 5 32. 93 5 en carton peint: 'of painted pasteboard, i.e. counterfeit.

But in assenting to the suggestion of M. Guizot, your Excellency cannot too strongly impress upon his mind how much will depend upon the character of the persons who may be selected as commissioners, in order to inspire the necessary degree of confidence, and to ensure any useful result.

Chronicle of the Hundredth Birthday of Robert Burns, collected and edited, by JAMES BALLANTINE. A. Fullarton, Edinburgh, 1859.

82 1 Smyrne: 'Smyrna, important seaport in Asiatic Turkey, on the Aegean Sea, famous for its rugs and silks lampes-modérateur more precisely lampes

The French ambassador has delivered to me a despatch from his government, in which M. Guizot describes in strong terms the feeling which has prevailed for some time past in the French Chambers and generally in France, relative to the right of search.

Voir Hugh Miller. Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood. I, chap. IX. Chambers. I, chap. History of Scotland, tom.

In Molière's time, as suggested by the passage of "Le Médecin malgré lui" referred to, musa, musae, was the noun commonly used. 41 2 Heureusement qu': que is redundant, cf. 58 23. 41 4 dieu d'Homère: in the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" the gods often intervene in the affairs of men. 41 11 tenant le milieu entre: 'a cross between.