United States or Saint Martin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But float upon a wild and violent sea, Each way and move.

82 6 narghilés etc i.e. articles of the Orient and of the Occident.

To a commission thus constituted and thus instructed, Her Majesty's government could not only entertain no objection, but would be disposed, in common with all who sincerely desire the early and complete abolition of this detestable traffick, to look with hope and satisfaction. I am, etc., etc. Signé: Aberdeen.

Life of Burns, dans la Cyclopædia of English Literature de Chambers. ROBERT BURNS, a memoir by the Rev. JAMES WHITE, author of «The Landmarks of English History». London, Routledge, Warnes, 1859. Genius, and Morality of Robert Burns. A Lecture, a Eulogy, by HATELY WADDELL. Ayr, Published at Ayrshire Express Office, 1859.

Rogers, Traits and Stories of the Scottish People, p. Rogers, Scotland Social and Domestic, p. 36; Traits and Stories, etc., p. Rogers, Scotland Social and Domestic, p. 34.

An Essay on English Poetry with notices of the British Poets, by THOMAS CAMPBELL. London, John Murray, 1848. Lectures on the English Poets, delivered at the Surrey Institution, by WILLIAM HAZLITT. Lecture VII. On Burns and the old English Ballads. Satire and Satirists, by JAMES HANNAY. Lecture V: Political Satire and Squibs, Burns. London, David Bogue, 1854.

Old Edinburgh Beaux and Belles, faithfully presented to the reader in coloured prints with the Story of How They Walked, Dressed and Behaved Themselves, told in the letterpress, which is adorned with quaint cuts. W. Paterson, London. Old Edinburgh Pedlars, Beggars and Criminals with some other odd characters; their effigies in colour and their characters in type, etc. W. Paterson, London.

A Complete Collection of the Portraits and Caricatures, drawn and engraved by JOHN KAY. Edinburgh, From the Year, 1784 to 1813. Sermons, by HUGH BLAIR, etc., 4 vols. Printed for W. Creech. Edinburgh, 1798. Cette édition est la vingt et unième, ce qui peut donner une idée de la popularité de Blair.

The annual Biography, being lives of eminent or remarkable persons, who have died within the year 1842; by CHARLES DODD, esq., author of the Peerage, the Parliamentary companion, etc. Chapman and Hall. London. L'Annuaire biographique, ou Vies des personnes éminentes ou remarquables qui sont mortes pendant l'année 1842; par Charles Dodd.

54 10 se lancent: 'are launching out, ='are getting started, i.e. in a disreputable life. 54 12 Le vrai coup d'oeil: 'the real spectacle', coup d'oeil = 'glance, and hence 'view' such as may be taken in all at once. 54 15 tapis verts: the green coverings of the gaming tables turcos: 'Turcos, native soldiers of the French army in Algeria. 54 18 l'argent d'une charrue: 'the price of a plow.