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During the siege of Rouen he received a severe wound, from which he died thirty-five days after, on November 17, 1562. In his early life he showed a love of danger and thirst for renown. Having been placed in charge of the French troops in the "Three Bishoprics," he sustained against 100,000 imperial troops the memorable siege of Metz.

2 24 vous donner la chair de poule: 'make your flesh creep' With the French chair de poule 'hen flesh' cf. Engl. "goose flesh". 236 yataganerie. the yatagan, 'yataghan, is the saber of the Turks and the Arabs, from this word Daudet coined yataganerie on the analogy of épicerie, papeterie, etc, transl. 'paraphernalia of war'. 228 bonhomme a noun used adjectively, transl. 'kindly'.

Don Quixote was ever tireless and fearless, while Sancho Panza disliked hard knocks and preferred a slothful life of ease and plenty to the glorious career of privations which was the lot of the knight errant. Tartarin de Tarascon combined the qualities of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza; hence a terrible internal conflict of which we shall read in chapter vi. 10 14 s'arracher aux: cf. note to 4 24.

C'est la première des vies de Burns qui ait été publiée. Elle avait paru dans The Monthly Magazine and British Register, for 1791, from January to June inclusive. Robert Héron avait connu Burns. Il mena lui même une vie misérable de besogne littéraire et de débauche, et finit par mourir de misère

[Note 4: By day and night, paraît être une ancienne expression signifiant de tout point, et répondant

Where sadness does not dominate in Daudet, irony takes its place. These two qualities, sadness which is inspired by pity for human suffering and irony which betrays impatience with human folly, these two qualities which are the heart and soul of Daudet's work are the enemies of that impassiveness which is the indispensable attitude of the realist, and which Daudet tried in vain to acquire.

I told him what they were doing. 5. Some Tarasconians used to assemble and eat big pieces of beef. 6. Take some if you find any. 8. Will you tell me what each one had at the end of his gun? 10. Throw it with all your might.

Barbicane and Co!… Le président d’un cercle d’artilleurs!… En vérité, que venaient faire des artilleurs dans une opération de ce genre?… On va le voir.

Enfin, on trouvera la bibliographie complète de Burns, dans le livre qui est de la ferveur et de la longue patience avec lesquelles Mac Kie a réuni tous les renseignements sur Burns, durant de nombreuses années. The Bibliography of Robert Burns, with Biographical and Bibliographical notes and Sketches of Burns Clubs, Monuments and Statues. Kilmarnock, Printed by James Mac Kie, 1881, 340 pages.

Recent and Living Scottish Poets, by G. MURDOCH. Glasgow. Porteous brothers. Alex. The Peasant Poets of Scotland, by HENRY SHANKS. Bathgate, Laurence Gilbertson, 1881. London, Macmillan and Co, 1872. The Poems of JAMES HOGG, the Ellrick Shepherd. London, Walter Scott, 1886. The Poems and Songs and Correspondence of ROBERT TANNAHILL, with Life and notes, by David Semple. Paisley, Alex.