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Such places are scarcer than one might have expected, and for that reason perhaps more impressive, more fragmentary and enigmatic. There are the colossal columns great trickles and flakes of black etching as with acid their marble of the temple of Mars Ultor, with that Tuscan palace of Torre della Milizia rising from among them.

In the years which followed Augustus proceeded with the difficult and extremely expensive task of purchasing property for his own Forum, and here was built and dedicated, August 1, B.C. 2, the great temple of Mars Ultor.

He expected hourly a total change in the Council, and that men like Clavering and Monson might be again joined to Francis, that some great avenger should arise from their ashes, "Exoriare, aliquis nostris ex ossibus ultor," and that a more severe investigation and an infinitely more full display would be made of his robbery than hitherto had been done.

Una smiled one of her peculiar sidelong smiles, and said "Strange dreams! I've been dreaming so has Alice. She hears and sees Una's dreams, and wonders and well she may." And she kissed her sister's cheek with a cold kiss, and lay down in her little bed, her slender hand under her head, and spoke no more. Alice, not knowing what to think, went back to hers. About this time Ultor De Lacy returned.

He nominated them Generals, Colonels, Counts, and Princes. The Cossack, Csika, his first soldier, was appointed Generalissimus, and to him he entrusted half his army. He also issued roubles with his portrait under the name of Czar Peter III., and sent out a circular note with the words, "Redevivus et ultor."

The deeds and this black box constituted the most important legacy bequeathed to his only child by the ruined Jacobite, and he deposited them in the hands of the priest, in trust, till his boy, Ultor, should have attained to an age to understand their value, and to keep them securely.