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He expected hourly a total change in the Council, and that men like Clavering and Monson might be again joined to Francis, that some great avenger should arise from their ashes, "Exoriare, aliquis nostris ex ossibus ultor," and that a more severe investigation and an infinitely more full display would be made of his robbery than hitherto had been done.

But the impartial historian owes a duty likewise to obscure merit, and my solicitude to render a tardy justice is perhaps quickened by my having known those who, had their own field of labour been less secluded, might have found a readier acceptance with the reading publick. I could give an example, but I forbear: forsitan nostris ex ossibus oritur ultor.

Sunt enim animalia, quae dracones appellamus.... Haec inquam animalia in aere volant, in aquis natant, in terra ambulant. Adversus haec ergo hujusmodi inventum est remedium, ut videlicet rogus ex ossibus construeretur, et ita fumus hujusmodi animalia fugaret.

But in the words of the Roman poet: "'Exoriare aliquis nostris ex ossibus ultor. May some avenger and successor arise out of my bones! May this great and national movement of civilization not fall with my person. But may the conflagration which I have kindled spread farther and farther as long as one of you still breathes!" Those were his last words to the working-men of Germany.

"Nec quicquam nudis vitalibus obstat Iam, praeter stantes in summis ossibus hastas." This is grotesque enough; the banquet of birds and beasts who feed on the skin of Pharsalia is even worse. The details are too loathsome to quote.

His osteology was admirable, and his little tractate "De Ossibus" could, with very few changes, be used today by a hygiene class as a manual. His description of the muscles and of the organs is very full, covering, of course, many sins of omission and of commission, but it was the culmination of the study of the subject by Greek physicians.

England, the old victorious island kingdom, bequeathed to us by Raleigh, Drake, Nelson; the nineteenth-century England of triumphant commercialism; England till then inviolate for a thousand years; rich and powerful beyond all other lands; broken now under the invader's heel that ancient England slept. Exoriare aliquis de nostris ex ossibus ultor. The river glideth at his own sweet will.