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We often heard her singing softly to herself, keeping time to the click of her needle. When pay-day came she demanded leave of absence. The village, she told us, was sadly behind the times, and with our permission she proposed to drive her mule and buckboard to the county seat San Lorenzo. "I've business of importance," she said proudly, "ter transack."

I've knowed others, compelled to economize with three trunks alongside a hall-bedroom wall, for a while, too, an' by an' by their circumstances was such that they had money to burn. It's not for the likes of Miss Lang to try to transack business with your sort. It would soil her lips to bandy words, so I, an old fam'ly servant, an' proud of it! am settlin' up her affairs for her.

Pretty soon here she comes, but this time she's got a big brass-handled poker with her. "'Ef I has to clout you ovah de haid wid dis pokah you ain' gwine to transack no mo' bisniss fo' a tollable long time! she says. She's mad all right, 'n' she hollers this at me pretty loud. "'Fore I can say anythin' a dame steps out in the hall 'n' looks at me 'n' the nigger woman 'n' the poker.

But I've got some business to transack with a lady livin' in Ninety-fifth Street West Two-hunderd-an'-eighty-five-an'-a-half. Come along. 'Step lively, as my friend, this nice young man out here on the rear platform, says." They plodded along the flooded street in silence, Claire following after Martha Slawson like a small child, almost clutching at her skirts.