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Questions for Examination. How is Italy situated? By what names was the country known to the ancients? How is Italy bounded on the north? What districts were in northern Italy? What was the extent of Liguria, and the character of its inhabitants? How was Cisalpine Gaul divided? By whom was Cisalpine Gaul inhabited? Why was it called Togata? What are the principal rivers in northern Italy?

That in reality the -togata- could only have its plot laid in the towns of Latin rights, is shown by the fact that all the towns in which, to our knowledge, pieces of Titinius and Afranius had their scene Setia, Ferentinum, Velitrae, Brundisium, demonstrably had Latin or, at any rate, allied rights down to the Social war.

The Roman laws ended by prevailing, to the exclusion of all others, in this country once known as the "land of written law," or Gallia togata, and their ideas of marriage penetrated more or less into the "land of customs." But, during the conflict of laws with manners, the Franks invaded the Gauls and gave to the country the dear name of France.

The Roman laws ended by prevailing, to the exclusion of all others, in this country once known as the "land of written law," or Gallia togata, and their ideas of marriage penetrated more or less into the "land of customs." But, during the conflict of laws with manners, the Franks invaded the Gauls and gave to the country the dear name of France.

The designation also of Cisalpine Gaul as -Gallia togata-, which first occurs in Hirtius and not long after disappears again from the ordinary -usus loquendi-, describes this region presumably according to its legal position, in so far as in the epoch from 665 to 705 the great majority of its communities possessed Latin rights.

Grammar also penetrated into the provinces, and some of the most eminent amongst the learned taught it in foreign parts, particularly in Gallia Togata. In the number of these, we may reckon Octavius Teucer, Siscennius Jacchus, and Oppius Cares , who persisted in teaching to a most advanced period of his life, at a time when he was not only unable to walk, but his sight failed.

Titinius, the first of the writers of the fabula togata of whom we have any certain information, was a contemporary of Terence and the younger Scipio; a string of names, which are names and nothing more, carries us down to the latest and most celebrated of the list, Lucius Afranius.

Both money and soldiers came to them also from Gallia Togata, which had been included by this time in the domain of Italy, to the end that no one else, under the plea that it was a single district, should keep soldiers south of the Alps.

The differences being so essential, an original Roman comedy would have been a remarkable phenomenon, and would have enabled us to see these conquerors of the world in an aspect altogether new. That, however, this was not accomplished by the comoedia togata, is proved by the indifferent manner in which it is mentioned by the ancients.

Roman Theatre Native kinds: Atellane Fables, Mimes, Comoedia Togata Greek Tragedy transplanted to Rome Tragic Authors of a former Epoch, and of the Augustan Age Idea of a National Roman Tragedy Causes of the want of success of the Romans in Tragedy Seneca.