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You also remember the big promise several of the mill- owners made, led by Mr. Charles Taft?"

Taft saw other views rising within him, other preferences, other resolves. From the bosom of his family he may have heard the exhortation, "Be your own President; don't be any body's man or rubber stamp." No doubt intimate friends strengthened this advice.

From my personal knowledge I can say that under the administration of President Taft the Roman Catholic Church and the Secret Service of the Federal Government worked hand in hand for the undermining of the radical movement in America.

Those who disliked the League may have held their noses as they voted. But both groups of Southerners voted the same ticket. Were the Republicans more unanimous? Anybody can pick Republican voters enough out of his circle of friends to cover the whole gamut of opinion from the irreconcilability of Senators Johnson and Knox to the advocacy of Secretary Hoover and Chief Justice Taft.

There was a time when many of us believed that some one nation, by disbanding its army and refusing to build warships, might set an example of disarming which all the world would finally follow. It now is plain that there must be a "League to Enforce Peace" as Ex-President Taft and other American statesmen have declared.

My informant assured me that at this point ex-President Taft, in spite of his even temper, almost exploded with indignation, while General Wood rose abruptly from his seat.

Taft will be denied completely by all who are familiar with the problems of adolescent education.

State of the Union Address William H. Taft December 6, 1910 To the Senate and House of Representatives: During the past year the foreign relations of the United States have continued upon a basis of friendship and good understanding. The year has been notable as witnessing the pacific settlement of two important international controversies before the Permanent Court of The Hague.

He is also less vigorous, less virile, and less insistent upon reform and the right of the people to rule. It is an interesting fact that most of the great friends of the people, most of those who are eager in demanding the rights of the proletariat, are men of medium or coarse texture. Mr. Taft is soft elastic in consistency of fiber, while Mr. Roosevelt is hard elastic.

Therefore, it was the Taft faction which, in spite of the plain evidence given at the choice of the delegates, and at the Convention itself evidence which the Machine tried to ignore and suppress it was the Taft faction and not Roosevelt which split the Republican Party in 1912.