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Its immediate predecessor must have been the subgenus Onagra, which is considered by some authors as consisting of a single systematic species, Oenothera biennis. Its multifarious forms point to a common origin, not only morphologically but also historically.

A group of dwarf species, represented by the native British A. nemorosa and A. apennina, are amongst the most beautiful of spring flowers for planting in woods and shady places. The genus Hepatica is now generally included in anemone as a subgenus.

Family, Percidae; Genus, Acerina; Subgenus, Cernua, Flem. or Ruffe; Species, Cernua bidyana mihi, or Bidyan ruffe. Colour, brownish yellow, with the belly silvery white. The three middle pectoral rays are branched. The dorsals confluent. The first dorsal fin has 11 spines, the ventrals having 1 + 6 rays, and the anals 3 + 6. See Plate 9.

Atta, a subgenus of Atta, which is a genus of Attii, which is a tribe of Myrmicinæ, which is a subfamily of Formicidæ," etc.

In habit these anomalous-looking Epeirdæ appear to differ in no respect from the rest of the family, waylaying their prey in similar situations and in the same manner. Another very singular subgenus, met with in Ceylon, is distinguished by the abdomen being dilated behind, and armed with two long spines, arching obliquely backwards. Asiat. Soc.

One of the largest, belonging to a closely allied subgenus, is known as the "Flying Squirrel," from its being assisted, in its prodigious leaps from tree to tree, by a parachute formed by the skin of the flanks, which, on the extension of the limbs front and rear, is laterally expanded from foot to foot.

The second subgenus gave us some Didactylus specimens three to four decimeters long, streaked with yellow, their heads having a phantasmagoric appearance.

Kelaart has given descriptions of fifteen species of planaria, and four of a new genus, instituted by him for the reception of those differing from the normal kinds by some peculiarities which they exhibit in common. At Point Pedro, Mr. Edgar Layard met with one on the bark of trees, after heavy rain, which would appear to belong to the subgenus geoplana. Acalephæ.

Hence there can be little doubt that the unpaired units are the cause of this decrease in reproductive power. The genus Oenothera is to a large degree devoid of varietal characteristics, especially in the subgenus Onagra, to which biennis, muricata, lamarckiana and some others belong.

Besides the lutea, there are some other species, nearly allied to tricolor, as for instance, cornuta, calcarata, and altaica, which are combined with it under the head of Melanium as a subgenus, and which together constitute a systematic unity of undoubted value, but ranging between the common conceptions of genus and species.