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With swift steps he ascended a specially-constructed tribune and made a sign that he wished to recite a poem. The lictors immediately brandished their staves. "Silence! Attention!" they shouted in stentorian tones. "Friends! Comrades!" began Junius, in a loud, but not altogether firm voice: "Friends! Comrades! Ye lovers of verses! Admirers of all that is graceful and fair!

Lilienthal's flights, or glides, were made from the top of a specially-constructed large mound, and in some cases from the summit of a low tower. The "birdman" would stand on the top of the mound, full to the wind, and run quickly forward with outstretched wings.

We now have two aerial craft competing for popular favour: the Montgolfier hot-air balloon and the "Charlier" or gas-inflated balloon. About four months after the first trial trip of the latter the inventors decided to ascend in a specially-constructed hydrogen-inflated craft. This balloon, which was 27 feet in diameter, contained nearly all the features of the modern balloon.

A specially-constructed vehicle was made and caused consternation among old trainers when they found out the secret of the horse's mode of travelling. Elis was fresh for the race, his advent had been kept a secret, and Lord George won a large sum, one bet being £12,000 to £1,000. The sensational duel between Lord George and Squire Osbaldeston has passed into the history of racing.

These various plans have almost all given way to that which is the most serviceable of all, namely, the plan of having an immense furnace constantly burning in a specially-constructed chamber at the bottom of the upcast.