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SEIGNOBOS. A Political History of Contemporary Europe since 1814. 2 vols. 1901. 5s. net each. One of the best general histories of this scope available. It is a translation from the French, with good bibliographies. Lectures on the History of the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge. 1902. 4s. 6d. net. A series of studies, by recognised authorities, of various aspects of modern European history.

But we do not think it insurmountable, and our endeavour has been to say what we had to say in the clearest possible manner. The first half of the book has been written by M. Langlois, the second by M. Seignobos; but the two collaborators have constantly aided, consulted, and checked each other. PARIS, August 1897. The historian works with documents.

Beneficialwesens, etc.; Secretan, Essai sur la Feodalite; Smith, T., English Guilds ; WILDA, Das Gildenwesen im Mittelalter ; Seignobos, The Feudal Regime. Works on the Crusades. G. W. COX, The Crusades ; also, art. Crusades in the Encycl. For works on Mohammedanism and the Arabic kingdom, see p. 232.

THE ERA OF NAPOLEON. A very brief summary: Charles Seignobos, History of Contemporary Civilization, trans. by J. A. James , pp. 150- 185. Standard general works: Cambridge Modern History, Vol. IX ; Histoire generale, Vol. IX; History of All Nations, Vol. XVI, The French Revolution and the Rise of Napoleon, ch. viii, ix, and Vol.

[Footnote 31: This version has, I believe, not been refuted. Still, I must look on it with suspicion. No Minister, who had done so much to stir up the war-feeling, ought to have made any such confession least of all against a lady, who could not answer it. M. Seignobos in his Political History of Contemporary Europe, vol. i. chap. vi. p. 184 (Eng edit.) says of Gramont: "He it was who embroiled France in the war with Prussia." In the course of the parliamentary inquiry of 1872 Gramont convicted himself and his Cabinet of folly in 1870 by using these words: "Je crois pouvoir déclarer que si on avait eu un doute, un seule doute, sur notre aptitude

III, IV, VI; Emile Levasseur, Histoire des classes ouvrieres et de l'industrie en France avant 1789, Vol. Valuable for feudal survivals in France is the brief Feudal Regime by Charles Seignobos, trans. by Dow. Useful for social conditions in Russia: James Mavor, An Economic History of Russia, 2 vols. , Vol.

Ii-vi; C. A. Fyffe, A History of Modern Europe, 1792-1878 , ch. i-iv; H. T. Dyer, A History of Modern Europe from the Fall of Constantinople, 3d ed. rev. by Arthur Hassall , ch. lii-lxi; Charles Seignobos, History of Contemporary Civilization, Eng. trans. by J. A. James , pp. 92-149.