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How could you be so naughty?" moaned Mollie, sinking to the floor, while the tears of exasperation rolled down her face. "Paul did it," accused Dodo, waving a pudgy, ink-stained little fist in the direction of her brother. "He said, 'let's use this ink and play we're savagers " It was upon this scene that Mollie's little French-American mother, Mrs. Billette, came a moment later. "Oh!

"Ef the savagers are ashore on t'other side, an' should catch sight o' ye, yer chances for gettin' back hyar wouldn't be worth counting on. They can run faster than chased foxes, and over any sort o' ground. Therefur, it's best fer ye to abide hyar till we see what's to come of it."

No, Capting, the savagers hain't been out hyar, an' ain't a-goin' to be. An' I weesh, now," he continues, glancing up to the sky, "I weesh 't wud brighten a bit. Wi' thet fog hidin' the hills over yonder, 'tain't possybul to gie a guess az to whar we air. Ef it ud lift, I mout be able to make out some o' the landmarks. Let's hope we may hev a cl'ar sky the morrer, an' a glimp' o' the sun to boot."

The wigwam tells of their still being in the territory of the hostile tribe from which they so miraculously escaped. "Ailikoleep!" is the exclamation of Seagriff, as soon as he sets eyes on it; "we're in the country o' the rascally savagers yit!" "How do you know that?" inquires the skipper. "By the build o' thet wigwam, an' the bulk of it.