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In the neighbourhood of Torquay, fir-cones are designated oysters, and in Sussex the Arabis is called "snow-on-the-mountain," and "snow-in-summer." A common name for Achillaea ptarmica is sneezewort, and the Petasites vulgaris has been designated "son before the father." The general name for Drosera rotundifolia is sun-dew, and in Gloucestershire the Primula auricula is the tanner's-apron.

The corolla dried and reduced to powder will also afford a yellow pigment. CALTHA palustris. MARSH-MARIGOLD. The juice of the corolla, with alum, gives a yellow. CAMPANULA rotundifolia. ROUND-LEAVED BELL-FLOWER. A blue pigment is made from the corolla; with the addition of alum it produces a green colour. CARPINUS Betulus. HORNBEAM. The bark, a yellow. CHAEROPHYLLUM sylvestre.

E. ROTUNDIFOLIA. An interesting and perfectly hardy species, growing about five feet high, and remarkable for the great wealth of pretty scarlet and amber-coloured berries. The flowers are not very showy, but this is made up by the beautiful silvery leaves, most pronounced on the under sides, and wealth of fruit, which hangs on long stalks like Cherries.

Althaea root is sometimes employed externally for softening and maturing hard tumours: chewed, it is said to give ease in difficult dentition of children. The officinal preparations are:-Decoctio Althaeae officinalis, and Syrupus Althaeae. Similar Plants. Malva officinalis; M. rotundifolia; M. mauritanica; Lavatera arborscens. Lewis's Mat. Med. AMYGDALUS communis.

With the genuine love of Nature and fondness for exploration, 'William Bartram did not inherit the simplicity of his father, the earliest native botanist of this country. In this preface he declares that "all the Sarracenias are insect-catchers, and so is the Drosera rotundifolia.

Linaria italica is a hybrid toad-flax between L. genistifolia and L. vulgaris, a cross which I have repeated in my garden. Drosera obovata is a hybrid sundew between D. anglica and D. rotundifolia. Primula variabilis is a hybrid between the two common primroses, P. officinalis and P. grandiflora.

This plant when eaten by cows communicates a disagreeable taste to milk and butter. ROUND-LEAVED SUN-DEW. Drosera rotundifolia. Very common on marshy commons, and is said to be poisonous to sheep, and to give them the disease called the rot. SEA BARLEY-GRASS. Hordeum maritimum.

Parallel experiments made on D. rotundifolia, with bits of beef and of chalk, gave the same results as to the action of the bristles; while with a piece of raw apple, after eleven hours, "part of the bristles were clasping it, but not so closely as the beef," and in twenty-four hours "nearly all the bristles were curved toward it, but not many of the glands were touching it."

It is probably the Livistona rotundifolia of botanists, and is the most complete and beautiful fan-leaf I have ever seen, serving admirably for folding into water-buckets and impromptu baskets, as well as for thatching and other purposes.

P. Laurocerasus rotundifolia has leaves that are broader in proportion to their length than those of the common species; P. Laurocerasus caucasica is of sturdy growth, with deep green leaves, and a compact habit of growth; P. Laurocerasus colchica is the freest-flowering Laurel in cultivation, with horizontally arranged branches and pale green leaves; P. Laurocerasus latifolia, a rather tender shrub, with bold handsome foliage; and P. Laurocerasus parvifolia, of low growth, but never very satisfactory in appearance.