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"A reg-lar ol' shicer!" was the unanimous opinion, expressed without scruple. While from the back of the hall came the curt request to him to shut his "tater-trap." Next on the list was a German, a ruddy-faced man with mutton-chop whiskers and prominent, watery eyes. He could not manage the letter "r." In the body of a word where it was negligible, he rolled it out as though it stood three deep.

It shows ye'er in good thrim, an' it don't hur-rt him. They'se no wan to stop his pay. He goes up to th' cashier an' dhraws his forty-wan-sixty-six jus' th' same whether he's sick or well, an' whether he's pulled th' box reg-lar or has been playin' forty-fives in th' back room.

The law wunt let us have liquor shipped to us from anywhars in the State. If we git it sent to us from outside the State it has to come by express and reg-lar old pop-skull it is, too. So, to be good law-abiding citizens, we-uns must travel back and forth at a heap of expense, or pay express rates on pizened liquor and we are too durned poor to do ary one or t'other. "Now, yan's my field o' corn.

Not that I'm any afraid of girls; but I wa'n't feelin' so much to home there as I do in some places, and I didn't want to make any break. But she wouldn't let it go at that. "O-o-o-o!" says she again, and as I squints up at her I sees the reg-lar cut-up looks just bubblin' out. "G'wan!" says I. "I ain't no curiosity." "Oh, it is Torchy then, isn't it?" says she.