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The flowers are developed on the ends of the branches, and are 3 in. long and wide, the sepals spreading and recurved, as in a Paris daisy, their colour being bright rose purple. The anthers form a corona-like ring, inclosing the upright, rayed stigma. A native of Mexico; flowers in May and June.

These have slender, thickly-spined, and flexuous stems, which twine about the taller trees from one to the other, and grow to an incredible length. The leaves, which have the ordinary pinnate shape characteristic of the family, are emitted from the stems at long intervals, instead of being collected into a dense crown, and have at their tips a number of long recurved spines.

These were short-tubed, the calyx clothed with green scales, and the petals 2 in. long, recurved at the apex, forming a beautiful cup-like flower of a bright yellow colour, with a band of red down the centre of each petal; the stamens and pistil yellow. The number of flowers developed on the small stem formed by this plant is quite extraordinary.

If your friendly woman in the back country will give you two dozen of the Madonna lily bulbs, group them in fours, leaving a short stake in the middle of each group that you may know its exact location, for the other lilies you cannot obtain before October, unless you chance to find them in the garden of some near-by florist or friend. These are Lilium speciosum album white recurved.

Our real cowslip, the shooting star, is very rare, and is one of the most beautiful of native flowers. I believe it is not found north of Pennsylvania. I have found it in a single locality in the District of Columbia, and the day is memorable upon which I first saw its cluster of pink flowers, with their recurved petals cleaving the air. I do not know that it has ever been mentioned in poetry.

The bottom is very generally rounded. The rim or neck is always short, and is upright or slightly recurved. Many vessels resembling the shapes here presented are placed with the succeeding group, as they appear to be functionally distinct from this. There are no examples with legs or stands. HANDLES. Looped handles are confined almost wholly to this class of vessels.

Four deer, with strongly recurved horns, spaced at equal intervals, stand on the outer edge of the ring in a walking attitude. Behind them and between them are a continuous row of tall stiff reeds terminating in blossoms, which are supposed to represent the papyrus plant. The reeds are thirty-two in number.

Here remain the upstanding stamens with the empty anthers, and in the center one could see the five styles if the specimen were in hand. Here also are the calyx-lobes, widely spreading and even recurved. Three of the flowers have produced sturdy young apples. The stems or pedicels have become stouter, and they begin to spread. The young apples begin to take shape.

These two plants, if they receive even ordinary good treatment, may also be relied upon for masses of uniform bloom held well above the leaves; and while pure white peonies are a trifle monotonous and glaring unless blended with the blush, rose, salmon, and cream tints, there are any number of white iris both tall and dwarf with either self-toned flowers, or pencilled, feathered, or bordered with a variety of delicate tints, and others equally valuable of pale shades of lilac or yellow, the recurved falls being of a different tint.