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Updated: August 29, 2024

I may, however, call your attention, briefly, to the singular fact, that English and American practitioners are apt to accuse French medical practice of inertness, and French surgical practice of unnecessary activity. Thus, Dr. Bostock considers French medical treatment, with certain exceptions, as "decidedly less effective" than that of his own country. Mr. Diet. art. "Wounds." Yet Mr.

There was not, on the one hand, any charlatan assumption in his get-up, nor, on the other, was there that squalor and neglect of the decencies of life which I have heard sometimes attaches to the practitioners in occult science.

"There are times when we are diverted out of errors, but could not be preached out of them. There are practitioners who can cure us of one disorder, though, in ordinary cases, they be but poor physicians nay, dangerous quacks."-STEPHEN MONTAGUE. LUMLEY FERRERS had one rule in life; and it was this: to make all things and all persons subservient to himself.

The French have, as usual, dignified the process which restores diseased books to health and condition by an appropriate technical name it is Bibliuguiancie; and under that title it will be found fitly and appropriately discussed in the Dictionnaire de Bibliologie of Peignot, who specially mentions two practitioners of this kind as having conferred lustre on their profession by their skill and success Vialard and Heudier.

Perhaps he was at fault in his very first judgment; perhaps, had he even then, in his inexperience, seen what he now saw so clearly in the light of experience, the deadly pitfalls into which journalism, undertaken with any other purpose than the simple setting forth of truth, beguiles its practitioners perhaps he might have drawn back from the first step of passive deception and have resigned rather than been a party to the suppression of the facts about the Veridian killings.

Speaking of his brother Francis, the biographer says: "After he, as king's counsel, came within the bar, he began to have calls into the Court of Chancery; which he liked very well, because the quantity of the business, as well as the fees, was greater; but his home was the King's Bench, where he sat and reported like as other practitioners."

The lines of development, as well as the chief individual practitioners, may be best indicated by short discussions of Hook, Bulwer, Disraeli, Ainsworth, James, Marryat, and Peacock. The most probable demur to this list is likely to be taken at the very first name.

These dumb cattle would not learn it of themselves, and so the murrain of Homeopathy fell on them. You don't know what plague has fallen on the practitioners of theology? I will tell you, then.

Prosper did not care to sit down to dinner with guests who did not bring their dress-coats. "And now," continued Mr. Barry, "what final instructions are we to give to Soames & Simpson?" "I don't think much of Messrs. Soames & Simpson." "I believe they have the name of being honest practitioners." "I dare say; I do not in the least doubt it.

The belief in and employment of the infinitesimal doses is general, and in some places universal, among the advocates of Homoeopathy; but a distinct movement has been made in Germany to get rid of any restriction to the use of these doses, and to employ medicines with the same license as other practitioners.

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