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Pigmentation is common; the face becomes dusky red, the rest of the body a dark brown shade. This darkening is most marked in situations normally pigmented and in parts exposed to pressure of the clothes, such as the neck, axilla, and inner aspect of the arms, the extensor aspects being less marked than the flexor.

Thus we know that what we call a single factor may cause the whole plumage of a fowl to have the detached barbs, which constitutes the Silky character, but we also know that an animal may be piebald, strongly pigmented in one part and white or unpigmented in another.

Castration during the breeding season causes the external pigmented layer with its papillae to be cast off very soon that is to say, it has the same effect as the normal discharge of the spermatozoa.

Now the lens is an epiblastic structure, and the iris is mesoblastic. Hence the wonder with which we are filled when we find the iris growing a lens. Loeb attempts to explain this in the first instance by telling us that the cells of the iris cannot grow and develop as long as they are pigmented; that the operation wounds the iris, allows pigment to escape, and thus permits of proliferation.

In springtime the deep-rooted mesquites and palo verdes threw out the golden halo of their flowers until the cañons were aflame; the soggy sahuaros drank a little at each sparse downpour and defied the drought; all the world of desert plants flaunted their pigmented green against the barren sky as if in grim contempt; but the little streams ran weaker and weaker, creeping along under the sand to escape the pitiless sun.

The head was a shapeless bundle, so swathed it was with bandages and cloths, and what part of the face was visible was discolored and pigmented with drugs. Stretched under the white sheet the man looked immensely tall as Horner saw with vague misgiving and he lay in an odd, inhuman fashion, as though he had been all broken to pieces.

Secondary hæmorrhage as a result of infective processes ensuing in the wound. Loss of muscle or tendon, interfering with motion. Cicatricial contraction. Gangrene, which may follow occlusion of main vessels, or virulent infective processes. It is not uncommon to have particles of carbon embedded in the tissues after lacerated wounds, leaving unsightly, pigmented scars.

Good results are also reported from the application of carbon dioxide snow, especially when this follows upon a course of X-ray treatment. #Melanotic Cancer.# Under this head are included all new growths which contain an excess of melanin pigment. Many of these were formerly described as melanotic sarcoma. They nearly always originate in a pigmented mole which has been subjected to irritation.

Crocker speaks of a lady of thirty whose skin during each pregnancy became at first bronze, as if it had been exposed to a tropical sun, and then in spots almost black. Kaposi knew a woman with a pigmented mole two inches square on the side of the neck, which became quite black at each pregnancy, and which was the first recognizable sign of her condition.

Constipation is a common, and mucous diarrhoea an occasional, symptom. The abdomen is often pigmented. The hands and feet are usually cold and cyanosed. The extreme nervousness of the children is the point upon which most stress may be laid in the present connection. The association of albuminuria with neurosis in childhood has been noticed by many observers.