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"I've got to own up to being forty. But I'm leading this here posse, and I'll eat my hat if I can't outclimb anything on two legs in this county. String out your ropes, boys, and pass over all them picket-pins. We'll need a purchase now and again, I figure, hauling up Mr. Blake. Hustle! Here's the sun clean up."

The soil was comparatively soft in the neighboring ravine, much more so than higher up the slopes where the two crack shots had fallen earlier in the afternoon, and here, with picket-pins and a spade or two which happened to be with the pack-train, a trench was scooped out, into which the poor remains were lowered and then covered with stones, dragged from the depths of the neighboring coulée.

"I am," was the decided reply. "It is the only way I can get them out, for they'll not come of their own free will." "Then I sha'n't stay here and hold the horses; that's flat," declared Loring. "Neither will I," chimed in Phillips. "The picket-pins will hold them as well as we can." "All right!" replied Bob.

At length the watch was told off, the lariats were shortened, the picket-pins driven home, and my comrades, rolling themselves up in their blankets, rested their heads in the hollow of their saddles, and went to sleep. There was a man named Hibbets in our party, who, from his habits of somnolency, had earned the sobriquet of "Sleepy-head."