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This Management soon brought upon him the Hatred of the whole Nation; but notwithstanding such a declared and general Hatred, he was succeeded by another Mollak. He had the same Views as his Predecessor, tho' he acted on different Maxims.

This Coldness rendered it no easy Matter for the Mollak to alienate the Affections of Zeokinizul from the Queen. But what are Churchmen uncapable of? He changed his Measures, and determined to make the Queen an Instrument to remove from herself a Spouse who loved her most tenderly. He managed it in the following Manner.

What, said he, with a threatning Air, shall you, who are no better than a Lacquey, dare to deny Admittance to your Master's nearest Relation? and at once kick'd open the Door, and went forward into the Apartment, followed by the Mollak.

She hastened to inform Jeflur, and to engage him to revenge her Quarrel. The Mollak was thunderstruck at this News, for such an Alteration in the King had shipwreck'd all his Hopes. His two thousand Tomans were lost, and he seem'd on the Brink of his Ruin. In this Extremity he had Recourse to Kelirieu. But it was no longer this Courtier's Interest to serve him.

He employed them in salutary Counsels to his Master in Relation to the Government of his Dominions. Yet he persisted in his Perfidy and Ingratitude towards his best Friends, even till his last Moments, by alienating the King from a Mollak, whom he had often promised to recommend for his Successor.

So that all the soothing Speeches of the Mollak made no Impression on him, neither was Jeflur greatly concerned at it; for, being long practised in Wickedness, he had already discovered a Way to remove his Fears, without hazarding his Tomans. Endeavour, says he to Liamil, to preserve those Remains of Favour which the King still has for you.

The joyful Kofirans promised themselves, from the hopeful Inclinations of Zeokinizul, a Reign no less happy than the preceding; but by a Fatality, not uncommon amongst them, the young Monarch was so fond of an old Mollak, formerly his Tutor, of a very insinuating but hypocritical Humility, that he entirely remitted to him the whole Management of his Kingdom.

A crafty Mollak having insinuated himself into her Confidence, made Use of it to gain that of the young King; and being too sagacious a Politician not to foresee what he had to fear from this enraged Woman, if he left her any Degree of Power or Opportunity of hurting him, he compelled her to leave the Kingdom in a disgraceful Manner; and by this successful Boldness, he became Master of the young King, and the Depository of his Authority.

This Shew of Sympathy and Tenderness in Liamil, imposed on many, and reunited Zeokinizul to her with more Fondness and Attachment than ever. Though he had a very important War upon his Hands, it did not divert him from the Gratifications of Love; he left the entire Management of every Thing to the Mollak Jeflur.

Although the Kam and the Mollak plainly saw through the Deceit, yet Regard to the melancholy Juncture, made them quietly withdraw, in Hopes of a more lucky Opportunity, which yet they never would have found, had they contented themselves with such Excuses. They returned the same Day, and Kelirieu gave them the same Answer, which provoked the young Duke beyond Measure, being naturally very fiery.