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The chariot was attached to the horses; and he sent them on without a man with them until they were in the disert with Mochta. They went right-hand-wise on the morrow to Domhnach-Sechnaill. They then went eastwardly to Cill-Auxili. They went afterwards to Cill-monach; then, after that, to Fiacc to Sleibhte.

One well-authenticated fact suffices, however, to set the question at rest: "It is quite certain," says E. Curry, "that the Irish Druids and poets had written books before the coming of St. Mochta, who was the pupil and disciple of St. Patrick himself." What Caesar, then, states of the Druids, that they committed every thing to memory and used no books, is not strictly true.

More than once we find a flagstone turned into a raft to bear a missionary band beyond the seas! St. Fursey exchanged diseases with his friend Magnentius, and, stranger still, the exchange was arranged and effected by correspondence! To the saints moreover are ascribed lives of incredible duration to Mochta, Ibar, Seachnal, and Brendan, for instance, three hundred years each; St.

Patrick used to come every day from the east, from Ard-Phadraig, and Mochta used to come from the west, from Lughmadh, that they might converse together every day at Leac-Moctae. One day the angel placed an epistle between them. Patrick read the epistle, and what was in it was: "Mochta, the devoted, the believing, let him be in the place he has taken."

Patrick goes, by the order of his king, to smooth Macha, and he assigned the twelve lepers left in Ard-Phadraig to Mochta, and their food used to be given to them each night by Mochta. Patrick went afterwards to the macha, by order of the angel, to a place where Rath-Daire is this day. There was a certain prosperous and venerable person there.

Thus, it is reported that St. Mochta was the only one who practised his own rule exactly, his monks imitating him as well as they could. St. Fintan, who was inclined to be severe, received this warning in a vision: "Fight unto the end thyself; but beware of being a cause of scandal to others, by requiring all to fight as thou doest, for one clay is weaker than another."