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Of this there can be no doubt, for one of these refractory creatures, as it transpired, was a cousin of the Marquis de Lauzun, my so-called victim; while the other two were near relatives of Mademoiselle de Mauldon, an intimate friend of M. de Meaux.

De Mauldon has had experience and won distinction in actual service, and from all I hear is doing wonders with his men has got them not only to keep but to love drill. I heard no less an authority than General V say that if all the officers of the National Guard were like De Mauleon, that body would give an example of discipline to the line."

Mechanically, as a man does when the routine of his life is presented to him, from the first Minister of State to the poor clown at a suburban theatre, doomed to appear at their posts, to prose on a Beer Bill, or grin through a horse-collar, though their hearts are bleeding at every pore with some household or secret affliction, mechanically De Mauldon went his way towards the ramparts, at a section of which he daily drilled his raw recruits.

Of this there can be no doubt, for one of these refractory creatures, as it transpired, was a cousin of the Marquis de Lauzun, my so-called victim; while the other two were near relatives of Mademoiselle de Mauldon, an intimate friend of M. de Meaux.

Mechanically, as a man does when the routine of his life is presented to him, from the first Minister of State to the poor clown at a suburban theatre, doomed to appear at their posts, to prose on a Beer Bill, or grin through a horse-collar, though their hearts are bleeding at every pore with some household or secret affliction, mechanically De Mauldon went his way towards the ramparts, at a section of which he daily drilled his raw recruits.

He further mentioned that the King's favourites had been practising with his most faithful servants, Maugiron, La Valette, Mauldon, and Hivarrot, and several other good and trusty men, to desert him, and enter into the King's service; and, lastly, that the King had repented of giving me leave to go to Flanders, and that, to counteract my brother, a plan was laid to intercept me on my return, either by the Spaniards, for which purpose they had been told that I had treated for delivering up the country to him, or by the Huguenots, in revenge of the war my brother had carried on against them, after having formerly assisted them.

"Va, citoyen," said one fugitive, an officer-popularly elected, because he was the loudest brawler in the club of the Salle Favre, we have seen him before Charles, the brother of Armand Monnier; "men can't fight when they despise their generals. It is our generals who are poltroons and fools both." "Carry my answer to the ghosts of cowards," cried De Mauldon, and shot the man dead.

"Va, citoyen," said one fugitive, an officer-popularly elected, because he was the loudest brawler in the club of the Salle Favre, we have seen him before Charles, the brother of Armand Monnier; "men can't fight when they despise their generals. It is our generals who are poltroons and fools both." "Carry my answer to the ghosts of cowards," cried De Mauldon, and shot the man dead.

He further mentioned that the King's favourites had been practising with his most faithful servants, Maugiron, La Valette, Mauldon, and Hivarrot, and several other good and trusty men, to desert him, and enter into the King's service; and, lastly, that the King had repented of giving me leave to go to Flanders, and that, to counteract my brother, a plan was laid to intercept me on my return, either by the Spaniards, for which purpose they had been told that I had treated for delivering up the country to him, or by the Huguenots, in revenge of the war my brother had carried on against them, after having formerly assisted them.

De Mauldon has had experience and won distinction in actual service, and from all I hear is doing wonders with his men has got them not only to keep but to love drill. I heard no less an authority than General V say that if all the officers of the National Guard were like De Mauleon, that body would give an example of discipline to the line."