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All servile work was forbidden on this day holy to the Lord; and all over the house, and in the face of all the family, I observed a kind of festal air. Mardocheus shewed me two rooms for me to choose the one which suited me, but liking them both I said I would take the two for another paul a day, with which arrangement he was well enough pleased.

'Malo scriptor delirus, inersque videri, Dum mea delectent mala me vel denique fallunt, Quam sapere. When I came back I found Mardocheus at supper with his numerous family, composed of eleven or twelve individuals, and including his mother an old woman of ninety, who looked very well.

Mardocheus, who could not make out what we meant, ate, drank, and laughed, and seemed pleased with everything. In the afternoon I went out to a cafe in spite of the dreadful weather. I thought over Leah and her designs, feeling certain that she would pay me another nocturnal visit and renew the assault in force.

Mardocheus told his wife what we had settled, and she instructed the Christian servant to cook my supper for me. I had my effects taken upstairs, and then went with Mardocheus to the synagogue. During the short service the Jews paid no attention to me or to several other Christians who were present.

"I have not mortified her, my dear Mardocheus, or at all events, such was not my intention; but as I have put myself on diet, I shall be eating no more foie gras, and consequently I shall dine by myself, and save three pauls a day."

When Mardocheus heard where I was going he begged me to take charge of a small box and a letter he wanted to send to a friend. "I shall be delighted to do you this small service." At dinner Leah sat down with me and chattered as usual, without troubling herself about my monosyllabic answers.

Aman, because of this, induced Artaxerxes to write to all the princes and governors from India unto Ethiopia to destroy all the Jews, with their wives and children, without pity, on the fourteenth day of the twelfth month of Adar. Mardocheus and Queen Esther, being in the fear of death, resorted unto the Lord, and prayed for deliverance, and for the preservation of the children of Israel.