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The other two men were with Montgomery, erecting a pile of smaller packages on a low-wheeled truck. The llama was still on the launch with the rabbit hutches; the staghounds were still lashed to the thwarts. The pile of things completed, all three men laid hold of the truck and began shoving the ton-weight or so upon it after the puma.

The Flemish low-wheeled cart drawn by dogs. The sun played with the gold in the leaves of the walnut-tree; and the radiant tree-top was all aswarm and astir and little golden shafts were shooting in all directions. The first butterfly of the year rocked like a white flower through the air. "I smell something!" said Dolfke. They all sniffed and: "Mates!

Carter had managed to employ, for the several summer seasons she had been here, a gardener, who kept the sloping front lawn in seasonable flowers. There was a trig two-wheeled trap with a smart horse and harness, and both Rolfe and Berenice were possessed of the latest novelty of the day low-wheeled bicycles, which had just then superseded the old, high-wheel variety.

If me know dat, den 'im know somefin' long time ago, what buckra-man don' larn. I con'try-born nigger, massa, but I know yonder Massa Pringle house fo' he built 'im." Just at this moment several pieces of cannon and other ordnance were being drawn past on long, low-wheeled drays. "Ah, massa, ye don'e know what 'em be," said the old negro, pointing to them.

Instead of a dead pull, "it sort of sails through the soil," a surprised farmer said. To be exact, it reduced the draft on the team from twenty per cent to one-half, depending upon the nature of the soil. It was the difference between pulling a low-wheeled lumber-wagon and riding in a buggy. From this on, the business grew slowly, steadily, surely.

Often and often, when the English lanes were white with blossoms, I have sat by her side while her faithful servant guided her low-wheeled pony-chaise among the pleasant roads about Reading and Swallowfield.